Peter M. Reeves Family Bible
PETER MILLER REEVES BIBLEPublished by Thomas Mason & George Lane for the Methodist Episcopal Church at the Conference Office 1837
Transcript or Summary
MARRIAGESPeter M. Reeves & Matilda DeVault Reeves were married the 10 day of March, 1836
Peter M. Reeves was born #16 of January 1807
Matilda DeVault Reeves was born Dec. 19th 1814
William C. [Catlett] Reeves was born #1 day of April, 1837
John D. [DeVault] Reeves was born #25 day of March, 1839
Elbert C. [“Eb” Clay] Reeves was born #2 day of March 1841
Mary Susan [“Sue”] Reeves was born the 17 day of June, 1843
James M. [Miller] Reeves was born #10 day of July, 1845
George A. [Alexander, “Fred”] Reeves was born #13 June, 1852
Lizza A. [Addie Elizabeth “Addie” or “Lizzie”] Reeves was born June the 13, 1852
[Fred and Addie were twins. WRHB]
James M. Reeves, Jr. born Oct. 15, 1877
Ola Boyd Reeves [wife] born Feb 12, 1885
Mildred James Reeves born July 22, 1909
Elsie Mary Reeves born April 13, 1914
William Edward Sell husband born Feb 29, 1912
[Children of Elsie and William Sell]
William Gaines Sell born May 10, 1941
Patricia Lee Sell born Feb. 24, 1944
John Reeves Sell born Oct. 12, 1945
William C. Reeves Departed this life #1 day of October A.D. 1837 Aged six months
Edmond Pendleton Gaines died July 18, 1888, Aged 60 years
Emily Easley Gaines died June 14, 1891 - Age 67 yrs.
[Emily and Edmond were parents of Myra C. Gaines Reeves - wife of James M. Reeves, Sr.]
Peter M. Reeves died September 21st 1891
Matilda D. Reeves died July 1st, 1896
Lizzie Addie Jennings died April 5, 1896
Myra C. Reeves died June 22, 1910
George A. Reeves died Oct. 23rd 1922
Mary Susan Reeves Patterson died Jan. 16, 1924
James M. Reeves Sr. died Oct. 25, 1927
Elbert C. Reeves died Sept. 24, 1929
Alice Dulcina Roberson died Mar. 17, 1909
[wife of Elbert Reeves]
James M. Reeves, Jr. died Mar. 17, 1934
Ola Boyd Reeves died Dec. 5, 1976
[wife of James Reeves, Jr.]
William E. Sell died June 25, 1987
John Reeves Sell died June 29, 1990
[Petter Miller Reeves and Matilda DeVault were born and died in Washington Co. and were buried in the Peter Reeves Family Cemetery in Johnson City. Their death dates were recorded after a forty year gap.]The Bible is in the possession of Elsie Reeves Sell, great-granddaughter of Peter M. Reeves. Submitted by Elsie Reeves Sell, 609 Sunset Drive, Johnson City, TN 37604 and Willie Reeves Hardin Bivins (Mrs. Weldon V. Bivins) 5713 Lawson Lane, Oklahoma City, OK 73132