Thomas Reeves - Division of Land

1808 Division of Land - Thomas Reeves

1808 Division of Land - Thomas Reeves Heirs

Henry County, Kentucky
Deed Book 3, page 512 – 516
12 Apr 1808


Henry County – Sct
                              Memorandum that We Geo Scott and William Neal two of the Commissioners Appointed for the division of land in said County being called upon by Charles Wood in behalf of the heirs of Thomas Reeves Deceased, and by Virtue of an Order of the County Court of Henry at their March Term 1808 we did Accordingly go on the lands of said Thomas Reeves Deceasd and after viewing said and proceeded to layoff and divide the same into six equal shares the number of Legatees entitled thereto and after making said division proceded to cast lotts which lott fell to each heir in the following Viz in the preemption
          No. 1 to Elizabeth Reeves and bounded as follows Viz Beginning at three hickories Northeast Corner to the preemption (D) thence No. 80W 56-2/3 poles to a Dogwood and hickory thence South 10W 210 poles to a Dogwood and hickory thence South to W 210 poles to a Black Oak thence South 80E 56-2/3 poles to 4 ash trees original corner thence No10E 210 poles to the Beginning including 73-1/2 Acres
          No. 2 to Jno. Semonis and Bounded as follows Beginning at a Black Oak Corner to Lott No. 1 thence No. 80W 56-2/3 poles to two Black Oaks No. 10 E 210 poles to two Dogwoods and Hickory corner to No. 1 thence with a line of Same So. 10W 210 Po: Thence South 80 E 56-2/3 poles to a Dogwood to the Beginning containing 73-1/2 Acres ~
          No. 3 to Jos Reeves and bounded as follows a line of the same South 10W 210 poles to the Beginning containing 73-1/2 Acres ~
          No. 4 to Cotters heirs and bounded as follows towit Beginning at a hickory Corner to Lott No. 3 thence No. 80W 56-2/3 poles to a Beech thence North 10 E 210 poles to a sugar tree and White Oak thence South 80E 56-2/3 poles to sugar tree Corner to No. 3 thence with a line of the same South 10W 210 poles to the Beginning containing 73-1/2 Acres ~
          No. 5 to David Wilson and Bounded as follows Beginning at a Beech Corner to Lott No. 4 thence No. 80W 56-2/3 poles to a Walnut & Sasafras Corner to 6 (?) thence No. 10 E 210 poles to a sugar tree and Hickory thence South 80E 56-2/3 poles to a Sugar tree & White oak Corner to No. 4 thence with a line of the same S 10W 210 poles to the Beginning containing 73-1/2 Acres ~
          No. 6 to Thomas Reeves and bounded as follows
Begining at a Walnut and Sassafras Corner 10 Lott No. 5 thence No. 80W 56-2/3 poles to a Black Oak White Oak Hickory Original Corner thence No. 10E 210 poles to an Ash Black Oak and sugar tree another Original Corner thence South 80E 56-2/3 to a sugar tree and white Oak Corner to No. 5 thence South 10E 210 poles to the Begining Containing 73-1/2 Acres
                    End of the Numbers for preemption
Laid off 1382 Acres instead of 1,000 See to Lott and pre emption the foregoing part
Note the survey Calling for 1000 Acres contains 1382 and allotted in the following manner to wit ~
          No. 1 to Jno Simonus and Bounded as follows Viz
Beginning at the No. East Corner of 1382 Acres survey thence South 10W 114 2/5 poles to a white Oak & Black Oak in the old line thence No. 80 West, 370 poles to Two Dogwoods and White Oak in the Original Western boundary line thence No. 10E 114-25 poles to two Hickories and Black Oak original Corner thence South 80E 370 poles containing 265 Acres
          No. 2 To Joseph Reeves Beginning at two Dogwoods and white Oak in the Original line and Corner to No. 1 and running South 10W 103-1/2 poles to a white Oak So. 80E 370 poles to a white Oak & Dogwood in Org’l line No. 10E 103-1/2 poles to a White Oak and Black Oak South East Corner to Lott No. 1 thence No. 80W370 poles to the Beginning, containing 240 Acres ~
          No. 3 to Thos. Reeves and bounded as follows Beginning at a White Oak and Dogwood South East Corner to Lott No. 2 thence South 10W 95-3/5 poles to an Ash and White Oak thence North 10 West 370 poles to an Ash Hickory & Black Oak North 10E 95-3/5 poles to a white Oak Corner to Lott No. 2 thence with a line of the same South 80E 370 poles to the Beginning containing 221 Acres ~
          No. 4 to Cotters Heirs and bounded as Follows Beginning at an Ash and hickory & Black Oak South West Corner to Lott No. 3 thence South 10 West 95=3/5 poles to a white Oak thence South 80E 370 poles to a White Oak thence South 80E 370 poles to a Black Oak and hickory in the Eastern boundary line of One thousand Acres thence No. 10E 95-3/5 poles to a white Oak & Dogwood South East Corner to Lott No. 3 thence with a line of the same No. 80W 370 poles to the Beginning containing 221 Acres ~
          No. 5 to David Wilson and bounded as follows Beginning at the South East Corner of Lott No. 4 to a Back Oak and hickry thence South 10W 95-3/5 poles to Cherry tree and white Oak in the Original line thence No. 10W 370 poles to a Back Oak and dogwood in the Western boundary line of the 1000 Acres No. 10E 95-3/5 poles to a white Oak South W Corner to Lott No. 4 thence with a line of the same South 80E 370 poles to Beginning Containing 221 Acres ~
          No. 6 to Elisabeth Reeves and bounded as follows Begining at a Black Oak and Dogwood South West Corner to N85 thence South 10W 95-3/5 poles to 4 ash trees original Corner of 1000 Acre survey thence with a line of the same South 80 E 370 poles to a Black Oak Oak & Ash South east Corner of the original survey thence No. 10E 95-3/5 poles to a Cherry tree and White oak South East Corner to Lott No. 5 thence with a line of the same North 80W 320 poles to the Beginning Containing 221 Acres ~
          For 1146 acre Trace – see plat & pre amble Divided as follows Viz
          No. 1 to Reeves and bounded as follows Beginning at a Cherry and White Oak in the Original line of 1000 Acre tract thence South 80E 212 poles to a stake in the eastern boundary line of the 1146 Acres thence South 10W 115 poles to an Ash Corner to Buzzard tract thence with his line W 142 poles to two hickories and Black Oak Corner to McCrachins survey thence North with his line 55 poles to a white Oak and Black Oak thence North 80W 44 poles to a Black Oak White Oak and ash thence No. 10E 95-3/5 poles to the Beginning Containing 155 Acres (say 155 Acres
          No. 2 to Jno Semonus and bounded as follows “Beginng at a Stake Corner to No. 1 thence N 10E 95-3/5 poles to three White Oaks thence No. 80W 212 poles to a hickory and Black Oak thence South 10W 95-3/4 poles to Cherry tree & White Oak North West Corner to Lott No. 1 thence with a line of the same South 80E 212 poles to the Beginng Containing 125 Acres ~
          No. 3 to Cotters heirs & Bounded as follows Beginning at a hickory & Black Oak No. W Corner to Lott No. 2 thence N10E 95-3/4 poles to an Ash and white Oak thence S 80E 212 poles to a Black Oak and White Oak thence S 80E 212 poles to a Black Oak and White Oak thence S. 10W 95-3/4 poles to 3 White oaks ~
          No. 4 to David Wilson and Bounded as follows Beginning at a Black Oak & White No. E Corner to No. 3 thence No 10E 95-3/5 poles to a black oak & White Oak thence No. 80W 212 poles to a Dogwood and white oak Corner to No. 5 thence South 10W 95-3/5 poles to an Ash & White Oak No. W Corner to Lot No. 3 thence South 80E 212 poles to a Black Oak & White Oak No. E Corner to No. 3 thence S10W 95-3/5 poles to Beginning Containing 125 Acres ~ ~ ~
          No. 5 to Jos Reeves and bounded as follows Beginning at a white Oak & Dogwood No. W Corner to No. 4 thence No. 10E 103-1/2 poles to a White Oak & Dogwood Black Oak White Corner to No. 6 thence South 80E 212 poles to two Black Oaks and White Oaks South E Corner to No. 6 thence S 10W103 poles to a Black Oak and White Oak No E Corner to No. 4 thence No. 80W 212 poles to the Beginning Containing 136-1/4 Acres
          No. 6th to Elisabeth Reeves and Bounded as follows Beginning at the No. E Corner of Lott No. 3 thence No. 10E 114-3/4 poles to a sassafras hickory and White Oak No. E Corner to the Original survey thence with another line of the same N 80W 212 poles to a Black Oak White Oak and Ash another Original Corner thence S 10W 114-3/4 poles to two Black Oaks and white Oak Corner to Lott No. 3 thence with a line of the same S 80E 212 poles to the Beginning Containing 131 Acres
April 12th 1808                     Geo Scott
                                                  Wm Neal
Henry County             June Co. Court 1808
                    The foregoing Division & Conveyance
Was presented to Court Acknowled (sic) by said Comrs & Ordered to be recorded
                                                                                    Test Row: Thomas CC


Thomas Reeves died intestate but his heirs, other than his widow, are all named in this deed dividing his land between his children.


Henry County, Kentucky Deed Book 3, Pgs 512-516, scans of original deed book online at Family Search

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Monday 04 of July, 2022 15:08:11 CDT by Beverly.