1812 Power of Attorney - Elizabeth Reeves to William Reeves
Greene County, TennesseeCounty Court Minutes 1812-1814, p40
Date: 15 Aug 1812
Recorded: 26 Oct 1812
A power of Attorney from Elizabeth Reeves to William Reeves was produced in Court, by said William Reeves, and on his motion is admitted to record on the attestation of the Clerk and Certificate of the presiding Justice thereto annexed all of which are ordered to be recorded and are as follows.State of Tennessee }
Blount County }
Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth Reves of said State and county, for divers good causes, have ordained, constituted and appointed and by these presents do ordain, constitute and appoint my beloved son William Reves of the County of Greene and State aforesaid my lawful attorney in my name and to my use to demand, sue for, recover and receive all such sum or sums of money as are in any wise due or owing to me within the County of Greene aforesaid but more especially in my name as executrix of the estate of John Reves deceas'd and as heir by Will of said Estate; to call on, claim, adjust and settle; sue for, recover and receive all such sum or sums of money, goods and chattels, lands and tenements, Notes, bonds &c, and all such thing or things as are in anywise relative to the aforesaid estate, I hereby giving to my said Attorney full power to use such acts, things and devices in Law or Equity as I myself might or could do ware I personally present; And in my name to give such receipts and acquaintances as may be necessary, I hereby ratifying and confirming all and whatsoever my said Attorney may or shall lawfully do or cause to be done touching the premises In witness whereof I do hereby set my hand and seal the 15 day of August AD 1812.
Joseph PoseyElisabeth Reves (Seal)
John Maxwell
State of Tennessee
Blount County } September Sessions 1812
Then was the execution of the within power of Attorney proven in open Court by Joseph Posey & John Maxwell the subscribing witnesses thereto. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name & affixed my private seal having no seal of office at office in Maryville the 1st day of October 1812 & 37th year of Amewrican Independence.
J. Houston C B C
State of Tennessee
Blount County } I John Waugh presiding Justice pro tem for the county aforesaid do Certify that James Houston who signed the above certificate is the acting Clerk for sd County at this time & that due faith & credit are due his official acts & such Given under my hand this first day of October 1812.
John Waugh
Presiding Justice J P