Fleming Co., KY - Order Book D, 1816-1823

Order Book D, 1816-1823

Fleming County - Order Book D

Fleming County, Kentucky
Order Book D, 1816-1823
FHL Film #0343955, Part 2

2 Dec 1816
p. 52, Ordered that Joseph Scott be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from the upper Blue Lick to the crossing of Fleming creek, instead of William Givens who is discharged, and that he have the following hands to work thereon under him to wit Jacob Keel, Joseph Reeves, Matthew Chrisman, Benjamin Zucker, Alexander Givens, Robert Givens, Jesse Colbert, Robert Belt, Thomas Harmon, Samuel Elliott, William Grover, Levi Wilson, Andrew Plank, George Keel, Perine Skinner, John Smith, Nelson Kirk & Jacob Crawford

3 Feb 1817
p. 62, Ordered that Samuel Elliott be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from the Upper Blue Lick to the crossing of Fleming in the room of Joseph Scott who is discharged & that he have the following hands to work thereon under him to wit Jacob Kiel, Joseph Reeves, Mathias Chrisman, Benjamin Zucker, Alexander Givens, Robert Givens, Jesse Colbert, Robert Belt, Thomas Harmon, Joseph Scott, William Grover, Levi Wilson, Andrew Plank, George Kiel, Perine Skinner, John Smith, Wilson Kirk & Jacob Crawford

p. 63, Appointed that the following persons be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to take in list of the tythes & taxable property of the county the present year in the several militia companies, to wit:
In Capt Reeves company ... John Vaughan

7 Apr 1817
p. 72, Ordered that John Gordon be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the road from the end of Richard Moores lane to intersect the lower Blue Lick road at or near William H Laytons & from thence to the county line on a direction to Metcalfes mill in the room of William G. Lowry who is discharged & that he have the following hands to work thereon under him to wit William Blair, Isaac Reeve, Zacheus Chord, William G. Lowry, John Moore & Isaac Reeve.

p. 72, Ordered that Peter Johnson be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the state road from Richard Moores lane to John Hesters old place in the room of Ephraim Donavan who is discharged and that he have the following hands to wit Thomas Price, Robert Harper, James Collins, John Lee, Asa Reeves, George Reeves, William Loftiss, Peter Johnson, Joshua Ridgeway, John Callahan, James Alexander, Zacheus Alexander, John Harper, Jacob Cord, Phillip Cord, Carvel Cord, George Mosteller, James Johnson, Francis Patterson, Richard Moore, John Smith, Henry Smith, Harvey Donavan, Aquilla Caywood, Stephen Caywood, Solomon Gragg & George Bishop.

5 May 1817
p. 82, On motion of John Hunt ordered that Elisha Reeves, Elisha Hurd, William Logan & Levi Hedges or any three of them be and they are hereby appointed to view & mark out a way for a road from Hambleton Eliotts old place on Tripletts creek & State road to Elisha Hurds mill & make report to the court of the conveniences and inconveniences attending the same.

p. 82, On motion of Elisha Hurd ordered that Joel Havens, Elijah Reeves, Amariah Bonam & Ferdinand Fornaut or any three of them being first sworn do view & mark out the nearest and best way for a road from Mourning Ruckers to Elisha Hurds mill & report to the court the conveniences & inconveniences attending the same

p. 84, On motion of James Blair ordered that George Bishop, Asa Reeves Junr, George Reeves, & William W. Blair or any three of them after being first sworn do view and mark out the nearest & best way for a road from Blair Clarkes mills to intersect the road from the mouth of Fleming to Mays Lick at Wm G Lowrys so as not to injure the farm of said Lowry and report to the court the conveniences & inconveniences attending the same.

5 Aug 1817
p. 96, Ordered that Thomas Price be and he is hereby appointed overseer of the state road from Richard Moores lane to John Hesters old place in the room of Peter Johnson who is discharged & that he have the following hands to work thereon under him viz Peter Johnson, Robert Harper, James Collins, John Lee, Asa Reeves, George Reeves, Wm Loftiss, Joshua Ridgeway, John Callahan, James Alexander, Zacheus Alexander, John Harper, Jacob Cord, Phillip Cord, Carvel Cord, George Mosteller, James Johnson, Francis Patterson, Richard Moore, John Smith, Henry Smith, Harry Donavan, Aquilla Caywood, Stephen Caywood, Solomon Gray & George Bishop.

p. 99, The Commissioners appointed to view and mark out the nearest and best way for a road from Ruckers to Elisha Hurds mill this day returned their report which is ordered to be recorded & is as follows (to wit), Monday June 2nd 1817 after being duly sworn then met a[t] Mourning Ruckers and agreeable to the order of May Fleming County court & marked out a road from said Ruckers the nearest & best way to Elisha Hurds mill passing through Daniel Hargates, George Lathrums & other lands to us unknown & through a corner of Spencer Reeves & Thomas Hamblets land Thence to the mill which we consider a very necessary road & easy cleared with little or no inconveniences - Jose Havens, Elijah Reeves, Ferdinand Vanatten - & ordered that said road be established agreeably thereto & that Joel Havens be appointed overseer of the same & that Samuel Filson Esquire allot hands to him to open & work on the same.

p. 100, The commission appointed to view a road from Blair Clarkes mill to intersect the road from the mouth of Fleming to Mays lick at Major William G Lowrys this day returned their report which is as follows viz (on the back of a copy of the order) Pursuant to an order of the county court of Fleming appointing us commissioners to view and mark a road from Blair Clarkes mill to intersect the road from the mouth of Fleming to Mays Lick at Mr William G Lowrys’ & being first sworn we certify that we have proceeded view & mark agreeable to the requisition of the within order & are of opinion that there may be a good passable road and that the same will be of public utility commencing at the mill of Blair & Clark Thence with the road to Pattons mill as far as Poplar run Thence up the same to Bishops Tan yard Thence with State road to the peach orchard Thence up the right fork of Poplar run to the head & through the land of Wm Blair & Lowry to the road & passing through the land of Blair & Hood, Jacob Jackson, P Hysong, George Bishop, George & Asa Reeves - June 28th 1817 - George Bishop, Asa Reeves Jr, George Reeves, Wm W Blair
Ordered that said road be established agreeably to said report & that William W. Blair be the overseer thereof & that he have all the hands within one mile of said road to open the same & that George Bishop & Thomas Price allot hands to keep the same in repair when opened.

1 Dec 1817
p. 125, Ordered that Joseph Carrel be appointed overseer of the road from the forks of the Clover road to John N Stockwells mill & that he have the following hands to open the same (to wit) Ebenezer Johnston, Coleman Smoot, Arthur Johnson, Jacob Morgan, Wm Hicks, John Purvis, Wm Purvis, George Shaver, Jacob Shaver, David Shaver, Wm Cline, John Cline, Peter Cline, Robert McKisic, Wm Pickrell, James Pickrell, Elijah Hefland, Daniel Hargate, Sampson Hargate, Israel Harget, Landy Markwell, Malichi Likes, Reuben Hunt Junr, Zedekiah Hunt, John Runals, Isaac Walton, Jeremiah Hunt, Thomas Fulton, Isaac Fulton, Wm Estill Senr, Wm Estill Junr, Cornelius Estill, Samuel Estill, Abraham Vanattan, Daniel Vanattan, Jeremiah Atchison, Asa Cartlesby, Joseph Simpson, Ruben Jones, William Purvis senr, Thos Purvis, John Cooper, John Adams, Barnabus Hayden, Israel Tharp, Elijah Reeves, Henry McKisic, Samuel McKisic, James McKisic, Lewis Marshall, Landon Bonam, Hambleton Bonam, Amariah Bonam, William Markwell, John McKee, Samuel McKee, James Fleming, Noah Right, Ruben Hunt senr, Peter Runals, Reuben Ross, Bayle Hunt, James Boles, Aaron Rice, Mal Hunt, Joseph Crawford, James Alexander, Milton Stockdell, Ferdinand Vanattin, & John Ferguson & ordered that said Carrel have the following hands to keep the road in repair when opened (to wit) Seth Low, Joseph Crawford, Milton Stockdel, John Walker, Wm Estill senr, Wm Estill Junr, Cornelius Estill, Samuel Estill, Noah Right, Ebenezer Johnson, Coleman Smoot, Jacob Morgan, Arthur Johnson, Jeremiah Atchison, Levi Johnson & Bazle Hunt

6 Apr 1818
pp. 146-7, The reverend William Holeman, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, having produced credentials of his being in regular communion with said church and of his being a minister of the Gospel therein and having taken an affirmation of this state & given bond with Joseph Goddard & Elijah Reeves in the penalty of five hundred pounds conditioned according to law a Testimonial is granted him to Celebrate the rites of matrimony between persons legally applying to him therefor in this State

6 July 1818
p. 157, It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Sarah Alexander relinquishes her right of administration on the estate of her deceased husband James Alexander — on motion of Elisha Brown & Amariah Bonham (who made oath & gave bond with Spencer Reeves & Samuel Craig their securities on the penalty of Five hundred dollars, conditioned according to law) administration thereof is granted them in due form

p. 159, Ordered that Samuel Filson, Arthur Parks & Burtes Ringo be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to settle with Spencer Reeves the administration accounts of Elijah Reeves deceased & report the settlement to the next Court.

5 Aug 1818
p. 168, Ordered that Samuel Filson, Spencer Reeves, Thomas Ransdale & Samuel Garvin be and they are hereby appointed appraisers or any three of thereof after being first sworn to appraise in current money the personal estate & slaves if any of Joseph Ferguson deceased & return an inventory thereof to the Court.

5 Oct 1818
pp. 176-8, An inquisition taken by virtue of a writ of Ad quod damnum granted James Parks was this day returned & ordered to be recorded & is as follows (to wit) Pursuant to a writ of Ad quod damnum issued from the office of the county court of Fleming at the August Term thereof in the year eighteen hundred and eighteen on the application of James Parks for the condemnation of a mill Seat & for the purpose of inquiring into damages if any which may be sustained by the erection of a dam for working a water grist & saw mill about to be erected & built by said Parks on Fleming creek he having the fee simple property and possession of the land on both sides of the creek & the bed thereof We the Jury being freeholders of and residing in the county of Fleming being summoned by the sheriff met at the place described in said writ on the twentyfifth day of September 1818 and being duly sworn and charged by the sheriff & to the best of our skill and Judgment to view &c according to the provisions of the third & fifth sections of the act of assembly entitled an act to reduce into one the several acts concerning mill dams & other obstructions in water courses approved February the 22nd 1797 do report that the abutment of said dam be and is hereby located & fixed at the lower end of the pond, and below said Parks line where it crosses the creek, and next to Alexander Blairs mill about forty eight pole below said Blairs mill, the abatement on the South East side of said creek to be at and adjoining three sycamore trees & marked I.P. the opposite abutment on the north west side of the creek to be at three sycamore trees marked I.P. & one elm all growing from one root - 2ndly: that the said dam shall not exceed fifteen inches in height above the bottom of the bed of the creek and viewed the land above & below the property of others, which may be probably overflowed by the erection of said mill dam we are of opinion that no person will be injured by the overflowing of the waters by the erection of said mill dam That fish of passage & ordinary navigation will not be obstructed by said dam that neither the mansion house of any person nor the offices, curtilages or gardens thereunto immediately belonging or orchards will be overflowed by the erection of said mill dam and also in our opinion the health of the neighbors will not be annoyed by the stagnation of the water and that no person will sustain any damage by the erection of said mill & dam - Given under our hands & seals this 25th day of September 1818 - Wm Wishard SEAL, James Mullikin SEAL, Henry Harden SEAL, Ephraim Donavan SEAL, Abraham Hudson SEAL, Geo Bishop SEAL, Archibald Glenn SEAL, Nathan Swain SEAL, Asa Reeve Jr SEAL, Wm McCord Junr SEAL, Richard Moore SEAL, Michael Bentley SEAL - Taken and returned before me the undersigned deputy sheriff for Lawrence Triplett sheriff of Fleming County fifteenth of September 1818. Given under our hands & seals (?) L. Fecklin DS for L Triplett sheriff of Fleming County & ordered that said James Parks have leave to build said mill agreeably to said report

p. 178, A settlement of the estate of Elijah Reeves deceased was this day produced in court examined & ordered to be recorded.

7 Dec 1818
p. 195, Ordered that Elisha Herd, Spencer Reeves, Benjamin Reeves & Samuel Filson or any three of them being first sworn do appraise in current money the personal estate & slaves if any of Henry Dewitt deceased & return an inventory thereof to the Court.

3 Aug 1819
p. 247, Ordered that Willis D Lee allot to Levi Wilson Overseer of a road from Williams Mill to intersect the Blue Lick road below Joseph Reeves’s the hands to work on said road under Levi Wilson & report said allotment to Court

4 Oct 1819
p. 260, On motion of Ziba Moore ordered that Peter Cassidy, Michael Killion, David B. Meeker & Samuel Filson or any three of them being first duly sworn before a Magistrate of this county do view and mark out the nearest and best way to turn the road leading from Reeves’ old mill to Fosters ford leaving said road at said Moores place & striking Licking river opposite sd Moores house & make report thereof to the next County Court

p. 265, Ordered that Benjamin Reeves be & he is hereby appointed overseer of that part of the road from McDaniels mill on Foxes creek to Jno Hunts mill on the East fork of Triplett which lies between said McDaniel’s mill & Henry Dewits in the room of Wm Harbet (who is discharged) and that the said Benjamin Reeves have the following hands to wit [space is left, but names were never filled in]

3 Apr 1820
p. 298, On motion of Joseph Crawford ordered that James Crawford, Alexander McRoberts, Amariah Bonam & Elijah Reeves be appointed to view and mark out a road from Stockwells mill to intersect the road leading from Reeves’s mill to Sandy at the nearest & most convenient point & make report thereof to next Court

3 July 1820
pp. 314-5, Report of a road from Stockwells mill to intersect the road from Lewis’s Mill to Sandy at the nearest and most convenient point returned & continued & subpoena ordered against the proprietors / said report is as follows to wit: June 20th 1820 To the worshipful Court of Fleming we the under named viewers being first sworn have viewed and marked a way for a road agreeable to an order issued from your Honorable body begining at Stockwells mill opposite to the mouth of state and running through the lands of James Filson, James Ryan, Ferdinand Venattan, William McDonnald through a quantity of land the owner to us unknown, through the land of the widow ?Swein? David Gray all of whom are well agreed for the said road to pass through their lands and pray your Honor to grant the same and it intersects the Sandy road at the foot of the dug hill near the widow Perrys on the north fork of Triplett As for the conveniences we assert that it is a good way for a road and well situated for water And we believe has painted and formed the aforesaid way for that special purpose further we believe that it is nine or ten miles nearer for part of Fleming Bath & Bourbon to go to Sandy Lick As for inconveniences we believe there is as few as any road in our knowledge of its length for there is no diging nor bridging of consequence to do. We think it expedient for your Honors to appoint three overseers to open the said road. We would likewise recommend to your Honors to appoint William Filson or Spencer Reeves senr to open said Road from Stockwell mill to the head of rock lick, Benjamin Johnson or William Logan to open from the head of Rock Lick to the main forks of the Brushy fork of Triplett, David Gray or Hutson Thompson to open from the said forks of the brushy fork to where it intersects the Sandy road at the fork of the dug hill near the Widow Perrys &c Whereupon we the under named viewers doth well agree. James Crawford, Alexander McRoberts, Amariah Bonham.

p. 319, On motion of Mel Hewit, ordered that William Humphries, Ledock Payne, Samuel Garvin, Benjamin Reeves be appointed to view a way for a road from Benjamin Northouts by Cochrans gap by Samuel Garvins and to intersect the road from Herds old mill on Triplett & make report thereof to the next Court.

6 Nov 1820
p. 335, William McDaniel is appointed overseer of that part of the road from McDaniels Mill on Foxes Creek to John Hunts mill on the East fork of Triplett which lies between said McDaniels and Henry Dewits in the room of Benjamin Reeves discharged and that he have the following hands viz Thomas Ishmael, James Tinsley, John Tinsley, Saml Ishmael, Daniel Hargett, James McDaniel, Samuel Cory, Frederick Rice, Benjamin Reeves.

2 Apr 1821
pp. 369-70, An inquisition taken by virtue of a writ of Ad quod damnum granted to Thomas Caywood, Nathan Swain & Mary Riddle upon a road which was viewed & marked from Thomas Caywood’s to intersect the state road upon the top of the hill near the corner of the widow Montgomery’s fence was this day returned & ordered to be recorded & is as follows to wit, In obediance to a writ of ad quod damnum to the Sheriff of Fleming County directed we the undersigned having been first sworn and charged by the sheriff to impartially review the way proposed to open a new road taken into consideration as well the value of the land over which road is to pass allowing the same thirty feet wide also the value of the additional fencing We upon our oaths do say that in our opinion Nathan Swain will sustain damages to the amount of seven dollars, Thomas Caygood to the amount of ten dollars & Mary Riddle to the amount of fifteen dollars all of which is respectfully submitted. Given under our hands & seals this 22nd day of February 1821 - Joseph S. Pepper SEAL Ezey Coattrey SEAL Jeremiah Crater SEAL Abraham Hudson SEAL Peter Johnson SEAL James Mullikin SEAL Alfred Metcalfe SEAL Jacob Cord SEAL Daniel Denison SEAL George Morsteller SEAL Asa Reeves SEAL George Reeves SEAL. And it is ordered that the said road be established agreeable to said report and that the Court make provision for the payment of the damages assessed by the Jury at the next Court of Claims and ordered that William Dusan be appointed overseer of said road and that he have all the hands within three miles on each side of said road to open the same & that Henry Bruce Esqr allot to him hands to keep the same in repair.

2 July 1821
p. 380, Ordered that George Reeves be appointed overseer of the part of the road from Blair & Clarke’s Mill to the road from mouth of Fleming to Mayslick at Lowrys, which lies between the Forks of said road at Hysongs old Still house & said Lowry’s in room of Wm W Blair, & have following hands, to wit, George Reeves, George Bishop, Jno Lee senr, Jno Le Jr, Israel Jackson, Asa Caywood & James W. Blair

p. 382, Ordered that Peter Johnson be appointed overseer of the road from Moore’s lane to Joseph C. Reed’s in room of Thos Price discharged & his Precinct to be bounded by the residence of the following hands to wit: Robt Harper, James Collins, Asa Reeves, Peter Johnson, William Loftes, Joshua Ridgway, John Callahan, James Alexander, Zacheus Alexander, John Harper, Philip D. Cord, Carrel Cord, George Mostiller, James Johnson, Francis Patterson, Richard Moore, John Smith, Henry Smith, Harvy Donivan, Aquilla Caywood, Stephen Cagen & George Bishop.

7 Aug 1821
p. 386-7, On motion of William B. Blair it is ordered that Richard Moore, Thos Price, Geo Reeves, and Wm W. Blair or any three of them be appointed Commissioners to view & mark out the nearest & best way for a road from the East end of Mary Harpers lane to intersect the road from Blair & Clarkes mill to _ Blair’s mill at Soloman Parker’s & report the conveniences & inconveniences attending the same

1 Oct 1821
p. 393, Ordered that John Kemphreys be appointed overseer of the road in place of Frederick Vanatten discharged & have the following hands, to wit, Henry Kealer, Jacob Kealer, Henry McJusick, Barton Smoot, Coleman Smoot, Thos Hamlet, Spencer Reeves, Elijah Reeves, Jno Reeves, Thos Reeves, Saml Jarvin, Johnston Jarvin, Jno Humphrey, Charles Cooper, Samuel Kissick & James Kissick & that his precinct be bounded by the residences said hands.

4 Feb 1822
p. 425, Ordered that Wm Filson be appointed overseer of the road from Reeve’s old mill to Licking at Ziba Moores in the room of Joseph Havens & Samuel Filson to allot him hands.

Researched & Transcribed by Lois Downey

Contributors to this page: MartinB. and Beverly .
Page last modified on Monday 25 of February, 2013 02:24:57 CST by MartinB..