1816 Deed - Elijah & Nancy Reeves to Elisha Hurd

1816 Deed - Elijah & Nancy Reeves to Elisha Hurd

1816 Deed - Elijah & Nancy Reeves to Elisha Hurd


Fleming County, Kentucky
Deed Book H, p72
8 Mar 1816


This Indenture made the eighth day of March one thousand eight hundred and sixteen between Elijah Reeves & Nancy his wife of the one part and Elisha Hurd of the other part both of Fleming County and State of Kentucky witnesses that the said Elijah Reeves and Nancy his wife for and in consideration of one Dollar to them in hand paid before the sining of this Indenture the receipt is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth convey and confirm to the said Elisha Hurd his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land laing and being in Fleming County and on Foxes creek being that part of Moseby's 30000 acre survey convaid to the said Elijah Reives by Elijah Reives senr and Pegge his wife by deed being dated the 13th January 1812 now remang of deed in the Clarks offis of Flemin County Court in deed book E & page 7 and bounded as follows to wit Beginning at a Lynn standing on the west side of Foxes Creek in (?) line between the 10 and 11 lot of Moseby's tract aforesaid thens with the said line west to Spencer Reeveses corner on said line thens with Spencer Reeveses line suthardly to Foxese creek thense up the creek with its meanders to the Beginning containing one hundred and fourteen acres & a half
Together with all and singular the premises and appurtenances to the same belonging to have and to hold the premises above mentioned and every part and benefit of the same unto the said Elisha Hurd his heirs and assigns forever and the said Elijah Reeves and Nancy his wife shall and will forever warrant and defend the above premises to Elisha Hurd his heirs and asines forever from themselves and there heirs forever or any person or persons claiming under them or by them but not from no prior claim whatever And it is the true intent of the above obblegation and clearly understood by the parties that in case the said Hurd should ever be dispursed by any prior claim whatever that the said Reives is to be forever aquitted from any damage whatever and it is (?) and understood by the parties that the sd Reives sold the same at a very redust price in order to be forever aquitted from any recourse whatever.
In witness whereof the said Elijah Reeves and Nancy his wife have hereunto set their hand and afixed their seal this day and date above written
TestElijah (his x mark) Reives
Elijah Reives Jr
John Reevz
Wm (his x mark) Royse
Elijah Hurd
Thos Reeves

Fleming County Clerk office August 3rd 1818
I James Crawford Deputy Clerk of the Court for the County aforesaid certify that this Indenture of Bargain and sale from Elijah Reives and Nancy his wife to Elisha Hurd was this day produced to us & proven by the oaths of Elijah Hurd and Thos Reives Subscribing witnesses hereto to be the act and deed of said Reives and hereupon the same this certificate are duly recorded in the office aforesaid date above
James Crawford DC


Since this deed identifies its grantor Elijah as the same one who received land from Elijah Sr. in the deed from 1812, he must be Elijah Reeves Jr.. However, there is a witness to this deed who signed as Elijah Reives Jr. Since Elijah Sr. was no longer alive, it may be that this is a reference to a younger Elijah, possibly Elijah son of Spencer Reeves or Elijah son of Thomas Reeves.


FamilySearch - Fleming County, Kentucky Deed Book H, p72