1816 Summons - Landreth vs Reves et al
Ashe County, North Carolina
Civil Action Court Records
15 April 1816
North Carolina } To any lawfull officer
Ashe County } to Execute and return according to law
Whereas Complaint and Information is this day made unto me by the oath of John Landreth that on the 13th day of Aprile instant, John Reves Junior, Constable, George Reves, Ann Reves wife of William Reves, John Reves, Senr, Alexander Cox, Jesse Phips, Andrew Cox, and George Phips & Joseph Phips in a tumultuously (sic) manner made an affray wherein the person of the said John Landreth was beaten and abused by them without any lawfull provocation - you are therefore commanded to take the bodies of the said John Reves George Reves Ann Reves John Reves Senr Alexr Cox Jesse Phips Andrew Cox and George Phips and Joseph Phips and Bring them before one or some other Justice of the peace for said county to answer the above complaint and be further Delt with as the law Directs - Herein fail not. given under my hand and Seal the 15th day of April, 1816
Jno. McMillan JP (Seal)
Sums for Pltf
Zachariah Landreth Jacob Toliver and
David Maxwell Wm Toliver -
William Maxwell Gerymiah Spurlen (?)
James Maxwell
Lucey Maxwell
Charles Tolliver Senr.
John Tolliver, Son of Jesse
Allen Edwards
George Tolliver - Son of John
John Dudgless
Peter Scott
Ann burton
John Burton
James Toliver
John Maxwell
Rechird Gentry
Absalum Kender (?)
Robirt White
David Toliver
Reverse side of Document -
Dismist at the plaintiffs Costs as to George Phips
Posponed as to Jesse Phips until the September Court on the 3rd Monday of Septr 1816
Jno McMillan JP
NOTE: There are numerous documents in the Ashe County Civil Action Court files regarding this case although there is no clear explanation of the events that precipitated the court case. From various documents, John Landreth states that he has been accused of perjury by William Reves although there is no exact explanation of the nature of the accusation. It would appear from this document that the entire extended Reeves' family became involved in a fracas which resulted in the issuance of this summons. Andrew Cox, one of the defendants, was the husband of Prudence Reeves Cox and the Phips individuals were children of Elizabeth Reeves Phips, both sisters of William Reves. Additionally, the Tolliver individuals who were apparently aligning themselves with the Landreths, were relatives of William Tolliver who had been convicted of killing George Reeves, Jr.. William Tolliver was the husband of another sister, Susanna Reeves. Whether the death of George Reeves, Jr. had any bearing on this altercation and the perjury charge, etc. is never indicated in the court documents but it may have been a factor.
This case continued over a lengthy period and there are documents in the court records as late as 1822 in regard to it.