1818 Will - Ishmael Reeves

1818 Will - Ishmael Reeves

1818 Will - Ishmael Reeves


Tompkins County, New York
Will Book A, p83
Dated: 10 Jan 1818
Probated: 6 Sep 1821


I Ishmael Reeves of the town of Lansing and County of Tompkins and State of New York do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following namely. I give and devise to my beloved wife all my Real Easte Land and Tenement during her natural life and also I will & bequeath to my wife Elizabeth Reeve all my personal property during her natural life. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Hannah Bashford ten dollars to be paid in one year after my death. I give and bequeath to my Grandson Samuel Bashford six dollars last of all I will & devise to my Grandson John Bashford all my land & tenements after the Death of my wife Elizabeth and also all my personally estate after deducting & paying out all just debts & funeral charges. I nominate and constitute & appoint my wife Elizabeth sole executor of this my last will & Testament hereby revoking all others & former wills by me maid at any time heretofore. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the tenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.
Ishmael Reeves (LS)

Signed Sealed Published & Declared by the
said Testator as & for his last Will & Testament
in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses
thereto in the presence of the said testator
John Bomker, Jonathan Conkling, Emma (her mark) Maltison?

Tompkins County SS Be it remembered that on the sixth day of September 1821 personally came before me Edward G. Pelton Surrogate of said County, John Bowker who being duly sworn declared that he saw Ishmael Reeves sign seal the within written instrument purporting to be the will of the said Ishmael Reeves bearing date the tenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen & heard him publish and declare the same as & for his last Will & Testament and at the time thereof he the said Ishmael Reeves was of sound disposing mind & memory to the best of the knowledge & belief of him the deponent and that Jonathan Conkling & Eunice Mattison together with the Deponent subscribed the said Will as witnesses thereto in the Testator's presence. And that Elizabeth Reeves named in the Will like wise appeared before me & was duly qualified to the true execution & performance of the said within will by taking the usual oath of an executrix.
E. G. Pelton Surrogate


FamilySearch - Tompkins County, New York Will Book A, p83