1823 Will - Jonathan Reeve

1823 Will - Jonathan Reeve

1823 Will - Jonathan Reeve


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court
Will Liber E, p14
Dated: 8 Apr 1823
Proved: 29 Jul 1823


In the name of God Amen I Jonathan Reeve of the town of Riverhead Suffolk county & State of New York being weak in body but of sound disposing mind and memory & calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing it is appointed unto all men one to die I do therefore make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following -
First after all my just debts and funeral expenses are paid and satisfied by my executors after named
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sarah Reeve the use and improvements of all my estate both real and personal so long as she remains my widow
Second Item I give and devise to my grandson Barnabas R Corwin and to his heirs and assigns forever the farm or tract of land that I now live on with all my buildings also a tract of land lying at a place called middle road Bound as follows right by the said middle road east by Benjamin Corwin, south by the land of Henry Corwin, west by the land of Clihn Sweasy by estimation twenty-five acres also one equal half of my pine land or lot No six in Tappings purchase township of Southamptin it beginning at the great pond and running south to the south and of the said Lot it being the west half of the said lot south of the great pond. Likewise all my right in the lot No eight and lot No seventeen in Tappings purchase aforesaid. Likewise a tract or piece of Salt meadow Lying on Long-neck in the township of Southampton
Item I give and devise unto my daughter Charity Corwin and to her heirs and assigns forever the one equal half part on the east half of a piece of Salf meadow it Laying on the east side of burch-neck in the township of Southampton
Item I give and devise unto my grandson Daniel H Reeve and to his heirs and assigns forever one equal half part in quantity and quality of a tract or parcel of land where my barn now stands, Bounded as follows North by the highway East by Thomas Youngs, south by a brook West by Thomas Youngs.
Item I give and devise unto my two grandsons David Reeve and Jonathan Reeve their heirs and assigns forever equally between them one half of my tract of land where my barn now stands it being the other half of the land that I dvided to my grandson Daniel H Reeve
Item I give and devise unto my three grandsons Namely David Reeve Jonathan Reeve and Daniel H Reeve and to their heirs and assigns equally between them a tract or parcel of land lying on Peacanack neck or river also I give and devise unto my three grandsons David Daniel and Jonathan Reeve their heirs and assigns equally between them all the remainder of my pine land in Lot no six that I have not otherwise disposed of before.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Charity Corwin one feather bead, one brass kettle and warming pan
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Daniel Reeve one feather bead and beding
Item I give and bequeath under my Grandson Barnabas Corwin all the rest residue and remainder of all my personal property of what kind and nature soever, again it is my will that if my daughter Experience Reeve wife of Ezra Reeve should be left a widow and come to want and nothing left her by her husband then she shall have the priviledge of living in my house and be supported and maintained out of my property left to my Grandsons according to their proportion so long as she stand in need of help and further if she should be under necessity of parting from her husband on account of his bad or hard usage or abuse it is my will that she come home at my house and live there untill such time as she can go and live in peace with her husband.
Lastly I do nominate constitute and appoint my son in Law Daniel Corwin and Usher H Moore to be the executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty three
Jonathan Reeve (LS)
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Jonathan Reeve to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator
Polly Wells Harriet Wells Luther Youngs

Suffolk County Be it remembered that on the twenty ninth day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty three personally appeared before Ebenezer W Case Surrogate of the said County Luther Youngs who being duly sworn on his oath declared that he saw Jonathan Reeve sign and seal an instrument in writing purporting to be the will of the said Jonathan Reeve bearing date the eighth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three the preceeding whereof is a true copy and heard him publish and declare the same as and for his last will and testament that at the time thereof he the said Jonathan Reeve was of sound disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of him the deponent, that his name subscribed as a witness to the said will is of his own proper hand writing and that he saw Polly Wells & Harriet Wells subscribe their names as witnesses thereto at the same time with him in presence of the testator.
Ebezr W Case


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber E, p14