Charles H. Reeves Family Bible
The front cover of the Bible indicates a publication date of 1858. Note that a few of these entries appeared to have been crossed through but with no replacement writing. The strikethroughs are shown as in the original.Transcript
BIRTHSCharles H Reeves son of William & Ann Reeves Born November 22d 1826
Elmira Hebberd Daughter of George and Eleanor Hebberd Born November the 9th 1833
Elmira Hebberd Reeves Daughter of Charles and Elmira Reeves Born September the 4th 1853 8 1/2 oclock evening
George Henry Reeves Son of Charles and Elmira Reeves Born July 19th 1855 New York 20 minutes after 8 oclock in the morning
Charles Edgar Reeves son of Charles and Elmira Reeves Born the 18th day of January 1860 5 oclock in the morning New York
Claude Wilbur Reeves son of Charles & Elmira H Reeves Born the 8th of December 1870 Port Jervis Thursday morning 8.30
Benjamin H Reeves son of Chas & Elmira Reeves Born Febuary 5th 1875 Friday Eve 10.00 Port Jervis
Ethel Belle daughter of Chas E. and Emma B Reeves Born May 8, 1882 Moring eve 830
Louis Benjamin son of George H and Ella S Reeves Born June 25 1882 Sunday eve 5.15
Chester Reeves son of Mareden D. and Ella Reeves Rundel Born Oct 27 1882 Friday 4.30 A.M.
Lealie R?....Born Oct 18?9...(smudged out)
Charles H Reeves Married to Elmira Hebbert October the 4th 1852 By James Floy Minister
November 20, 1877 by Rev. E H Matter. Charles E Reeves and Emma T Barnes. No Cards
May 5, 1880 by Rev. Alex MacArthur, Marsden D. Rundel and Ella H. Reeves
January 19, 1881 by Rev. John A Munroe George H. Reeves and Ella H. Shoemaker
Jan 25 1888 by Rev Uriah Symonas Ermma? Grace Reeves and Walter E Taff
February 27 1892 by ....Walter H Reeves Virginia Coldwell
July 24 1904 by Rev. Wesley Martin Claude W. Reeves of Port Jervis NY to Byrd Decker of Pond Eddy New York
March 30 1908 Benjamin H Reeves and Julia Kerner by Rev Isaac Lansing Scranton Pa
William L Reeves Died June the 1st 1851 aged 58 years 2 months and 14 days
Eleanor Hebberd Died June the 14th 1850 aged 46 years
Ann E Reeves Died January 27th 1864 Aged 68 years
George R Hebberd Died February 1st 1870 aged 71 years
Elmira H Rundell Daughter of C. Hand Elmir.. Reeves Died October 28th 1882 aged 29 years
Chester Reeves Rundel, son of Marsden D and Ella Reeves Rundel Died Feb 19, 1883 aged 3 months 23 days
George H. son of Charles H. and Elmira H. Reeves Died April 23 1886 aged 31 years
--Elmira H daughter of George R and Eleanor Hebberd died Aug 3 1904 aged 70 years
Elmira H Reeves wife of Charles H Died Aug 3d 1904 aged 70 years
Julia Kerner Reeves wife of Benjamin H Reeves, died at her home 5 Oak st Port Jervis, NY on April 14, 1960 at the age of 80 years
(inside front cover)
Lesie R Reeves son of Walter E. R. Erminie Grace Goff
Oct 18 1888
Brooklyn NY
Thursday 7:28 PM
(loose obituaries)
(first obituary has written in pencil: "1893")
-Died, Friday evening, October 6th, at Jersey City Heights, Mrs. Sarah L. Reeves, wife of Mr. John Creed, aged 61 gears (sic). The funeral was held to day, Oct 10th, from the residence, 48 Mandeville avenue.
BOUTON-At New Rochelle, on Thursday, July 24, 1873, LILLIAN E., infant daughter of LeRoy H. and Hulla S. Bouton, aged 4 months and 11 days.
Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, at the house, at four o'clock P. M. on Sunday.