1829 Chancery Suit - George Reeves vs William Terrell

1829 Chancery Suit - Reeves vs Terrell

1829 Chancery Suit - Reeves vs Terrell

Grayson County, Virginia
Court Order Book V2 1820-1829
Page 338
26 May 1829


George Reeves. Plts
William Terrell, Defts

                    The Complainant Hannar Reeves, being married to John Burton and the Complainant Betsey Reeves married to William Cox, and the Complainant Nancy Reeves being decd (after having intermarried with Terel Bledsoe). It is Ordered that the Same be suggested on the record. And this Course Continued until the next term _


Suit by the heirs of Biddy Reeves, daughter of Timothy Terrell, for legacies left to him by his father John Terrell.


Grayson County VA Court Order Book V2 1820-1829, pg 596, scanned copies of original pages online at Family Search
Complete court case online at the Library of Virginia Chancery Indez

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Tuesday 10 of August, 2021 07:27:22 CDT by Beverly.