Deed to Heirs of John Reeves
Wake County, North Carolina
Will Book 21, Pg 228
Written 13 Feb 1830
Recorded Feb Term 1830
State of North Carolina §Wake County §
The above (see below) plat represents the tract of Land of the late John Reeves decd Seised and possessed off.
We the undersigned pursuant to an order to us directed from the worshipful court of the county aforesaid have allotted and Set apart for the heirs of Said decd as follows to wit. No 1 allotted and Set apart for John Allen & Susannah his wife. Beginning at a Post oak Stump on Jones line Thence north 62 poles to a Spanish Oak and Hickory Thence East 68 poles to a Stake white oak & red oak Pointers Thence North 11poles to a Stake Thence East 23 poles to a Stake in Alfred Alstons line Thence South 8 poles to a Small red oak Thence South 25 west 119 poles to the beginning Containing Sixteen and a half acres.
No 2 Allotted to and Set apart for John Reeves Beginning at the North west corner of No 1 Thence East 36½ poles to a Small Red oak. Thence North 66 poles to the dower line Thence west 36½ poles to the South west corner of the dower Thence South to the Beginning 66 poles Containing fifteen acres.
No 3 Allotted to and Set apart for Martha Reeves Beginning at the South east corner of the dower on a Hickory Thence South 36 poles to a red oak thence East 23 poles to Alstons line Thence South 14 poles to the North East corner No 1. Thence west 31½ pole Thence north 66 pole Thence east 31½ to the beginning containing fifteen acres.
No 4 allotted to and Set apart for Jefferson Reeves Beginning in Alstons line at the North east corner of No 3. Thence North 24 poles to a red oak Alstons line. Thence North 23+ East 60 pole to a pine (?) in Alstons line Thence west 49 poles to a Sweet Gum in the dower line Thence South 78 poles Thence East 23 poles to the beginning containing fifteen and half acres.
No 5 Allotted to and Set apart for Caroline Reeves Beginning at a pine in Alstons line the corner of No 4 Thence west 49 pole to a Stake in the dower line Thence East 74 poles to Alstons line Thence South 25+ west to the beginning containing Eighteen three fourths of an acre.
No 6 Allotted to and Set apart for Elizabeth Reeves Beginning at a persimmon in a branch Thence South 25 poles west 18 poles to the North East corner of No 5 thence west 94 poles to a Stake in the dower line thence North 40 poles to a small white oak on the branch thence up the branch to the beginning Containing twenty two and one fourth acres.
No 7 Allotted to and Set apart for James Reeves Beginning at a small white oak on the branch of the branch the north East corner of No 6 thence west 40 poles to the dower line Thence north 117 poles to James Holloways line near Elobees creek Thence Holloways line to a water oak thence South 22 poles to an Elm Stump in the branch thence up the branch to the beginning containing 25 acres twenty five acres.
No 8 Allotted to and Set apart for Polley Reeves now Polly Gill Beginning at the North west corner of No 9 in James Holloways line thence South 66 poles to a black gum thence west 45 poles to James Holloways line Thence along Holloways line North 21 poles west crossing Elobees creek to Jesse Jlow (sic) line Thence South 37 East to the beginning containing Sixteen acres.
No 9 Allotted to and Set apart for the heirs of Sarah Reeves who intermarried with Joseph Wood Beginning at a Black Gum the South East corner of No 8 thence west 45 poles to James Holloways line thence (?) Holloways line to a hickory the North west corner of the dower thence East 68 poles to a Stake Thence to the Beginning containing Sixteen acres.
No 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 is to pay $2 to No 9 making an aggregate of Sixteen dollars.
Given under our hands and Seals this 13 February 1830.
John Nichols (Seal)
H Ferrell (Seal)
Willie Simmons (Seal)
Wake County Feby Term 1830
The above division of Land was returned in open court and ordered to be recorded.
B S King CC