Will of Adam Reaves
Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book Vol. 6 1828 - 1834
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 408 - 409In the Name of God Amen
Be it Known to all to Whom it may Concern that I Adam Reaves of perfect Mind and Memory and Knowing it is appointed for all men to die of which time no man is certain do Make Constitute and Ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and from following (Viz) First I give and recommend my Soul unto the hand of almighty god who gave it and my body to the dust from whence it Came to be buried in a decent Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executor or Executrix, hereafter named and as to the world goods with which it hath pleased almighty god to bless me I give and dispose of in the following manner and form to wit, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Reaves One Negro Man Sam one bed and furniture one mare Jule & her coult I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Herring One dollar I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anna Herring One Dollar I give and bequeath unto m daughter Catey Bennett One Dollar I give and bequeath to my daughter Polly Carraway One Dollar I give and bequeath to my Daughter Gracy Newell One Dollar I give and bequeath to my Son Adam Reaves One feather bed & furniture I give and bequeath to my Daughter Edna Reaves one feather bed and furniture and it is further my will that all the property that is not other wise disposed of Shall be Sold and the monies arising there from should first be applied to the payment of my Just debts the residue after paying my debts I wish to be equally divided between my four Youngest children (viz) Smitha Reaves, Susanna Reaves, Adam Reaves and Edna Reaves Lastly I hereby nominate & appoint my wife Mary Reaves Executrix to this my last will and testament in testimony whereof II have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 11th day of April 1831.
Adam Reaves (seal)
Signed in the presents of
Jesse Pipkin
James (mark) Ayrs
Wayne County May Co. 1831
Ordered that John Cox be appointed administrator with the will annexed of Adam Reaves dec'd who enters into bond in the Sum of one Thousand dollars with William Smith & Joseph Everitt his Securities
James Airs Subscribing witness proved said will in Open Court
May Co. 1821 P. Hooks Clk