Will of John Reeves
Orange County, North Carolina
Wills 1785-1865 Vol 11
12 Mar 1832
I John Reeves farmer of the State of North Carolina and County of Orange Being of Sound & Disposing mind & memory this twelfth day of March one thousand Eight hundred and thirty two Do make this my Last Will and Testament in maner and forme following vz -Item, I will to my Sone Thomas Reeves all my house hold and kitchen furniture Stock of hogs & Cows and I further will all my property of Every kind which in any wise belongs to me Either directly or in Directly To my Said Sone Thomas Reeves and I doe appoint my Sone Thomas Reeves Executor to This my Last will and Testament
Given under my hand and Seal this day and year above written.
John Reeves (Seal)
In presents of }
Thos. Lynch }