Settlement - George Reeves et al vs James Cox et al
Virginia at a Circuit Superior Court of Law & Chancery heldFor Wythe County at the Courthouse on Friday 12th day of
April 1833
George Reeves et al PltsAgainst
James Cox et al Dfts
This cause came on to be finally heard this 12th day of April 1833. Upon the paper formerly read, and the report of Master Comr. Mathews to which there is no exception and was agreed by Counsel, and it appearing from a paper filed in this cause that the defendant John Cox acknowledges to have received from the defendant James Cox full satisfaction for all his wifes interest in the Estate of John Terrell Dec.d – and it appearing from the deposition of William Terrell that by a settlement between himself and the defendant James Cox and William & Jesse Reeves from which it would appear that the Said William Terrell does not open any claim and that he Still acquieses in the Settlement made by him with the Deft case. The Plaintiffs Bill is therefore dismissed as to them without prejudice. It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed that the defendant pay to the Plaintiff John Reeves admr. Of Beddy (sic) Reeves Seven hundred & Eighty dollars and thirty three cents with interest thereon at the rate of Six per cent per annum from the 19th day of August 1832 till paid. That the Said defendant James Cox also pay to the defendant William Reeves & Ann his wife the like Sun of $780.33 with like interest thereon from the 19th day of August 1832 until paid for which Said Sums Executions may now Issue. And that the negroe woman Lucy and her two children now in the possession of the defendant James Cox be Sold by Samuel Cox Junr. Who is hereby appointed a for that purpose on a Credit of Six months at public Sale taking bond with approved Security from the purchasers one half of the proceeds of the Sale to be for the benefit of the Dft.
James Cox and the other half to be equally divided between John Reeves admr. of Biddy Reeves and William Reeves and Anne his wife and that the defendant James Cox pay the costs of this Suit.
A Copy
J. R. Miller C.C.