1834 Deed - Absolom Reeves to C Nichols

1834 Deed - Absolom Reeves to Coleman Nichols

1834 Deed - Absolom Reeves to C Nichols

Calloway County, Kentucky
16 Oct 1834
Deed Book B p171


This Indenture made this 16th day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty four between Absalom Reeves of the State of Kentucky, Calloway County of the one part and Coleman Nichols of the other part, Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of the sum of three hundred dollars to me in hand paid the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, I have bargained, sold aleined, and conveyed and by these presents do bargain, sell, alleign, and convey to the said Coleman Nichol, the South West quarter of Section thirty one, township six north, Range four east, also four acres and one half off the south side of the north west quarter of said Section, bound as follows (viz), beginning at a hickory, south west corner of section aforesaid, thence east 160 poles to a post oak corner on the township line thence north 164?? Poles to a stake, thence west 160 poles, to a stake, thence south 4 and a half poles to a post oak corner, and south 160 poles to the place of beginning, containing by estimation one hundred & sixty four and an half acres (conveyed to me by Hugh McRacken) together with all the right, title, interest, claim, or demand of myself or my heirs of in to or out of the same and I do bind myself and my heirs to warrant and defend the title to said land, against myself and heirs and against all and every person or persons, claim or claims, whatsoever, the Absolom Reeves and Elizabeth his wife doth warrant and forever defend. In testimony we have here unto set our hand, and affixed our seals the date first above written.
Signed, Sealed and deliveredAbsalom Reeves (LS)
in presence ofElizabeth (her mark) Reeves (LS)
Test Evin H Poe
Aaron Arent

            Intended before signed 19th line L between 164 & poles also 18th line South.

State of Kentucky, Callloway County set
      I Edmund H Curd Clerk of the County Court for the County aforesaid do certify that this deed from Absalom Reeves and Elizabeth Reeves his wife to Coleman Nichols was proven by the subscribing witnesses thereto to be the act and deed of Ind Absalom Reeves, which proof was taken by Jeremiah C Wilkin late clerk of this Court and lodge in this office on the 28th day of April 1835 as appears by the certificate of said H C Wilkins clerk as aforesaid endorsed thereon, with whose hand writing I am well acquainted. Whereupon said deed together with the foregoing certificate hath been duly admitted to record in my office. Given under my hand this 14th day of March 1836
E H Curd Clk
By J C Wilkins JQ


Calloway County, Kentucky Deed Book B p. 171