Wayne County, North Carolina
Record Book
Vol. 7
1834 - 1840
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 74
State of North Carolina Wayne County
We the under Signed Committee have been Summoned and sworn by William Thompson Sheriff for Said County to divide the lands of Adam Reaves dec'd among the heirs of Said dec'd and proceed as follows as the above plan represents (Viz) No.1 Drawn by Lee Reaves Newell Beginning at a water oak on the run of the wolf pit branch and runs So.54 Et 86 poles to a Stake then So.41 Wt to a water oak at the run of Thunder Swamp the (sic) the various courses of the run of said swamp to the mouth of the wolf pit branch then up the various course of Said Branch to the first Station Containing one hundred acres more or less. No. 2 Drawn by Clarky Reaves Newell Beginning at a Stake and ruins then So.51 Wt.244 poles to an ash in the run of Thunder Swamp then down the run of Said Swamp to Lee Reaves Newells corner then with his line No.41 Et. To the first Station Containing One Hundred and Seventeen acres more or less. NO. 3 Drawn by Liddia Smith Beginning t a Stake on the Mill path and runs west 6 poles to a water oak on the west side of the road in the calf paster Branch then WE.49 poles to a Stake then So.182 poles to a pine then No. 80 Wt. 29 ½ poles to a pine No. 18 Wt. 65 poles to a Stake then No.21 Wt.28 poles ot a Stake then No.185 poles to a pine then No.30 Et.85 poles to a pine on the mill path then along the path as it runs to the first Station Containing One Hundred and fifty three acres more or less the Said Lydda Smith receives from Lee Reaves Newell Twenty Dollars to make her lot Equal and the aforesaid Lee Reaves Newell also pays to Clarky Reaves Newell thirty Dollars to make her lot Equal. Given under our hand and Seals this 10th August 1835.
W. Thompson Shff William Kelly (Seal)
Augt Co. 1835 George Flowers (Seal)
James Kelly (Seal)
Record Book
Vol. 7
1834 - 1840
Contains Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates
Image 74
State of North Carolina Wayne County
We the under Signed Committee have been Summoned and sworn by William Thompson Sheriff for Said County to divide the lands of Adam Reaves dec'd among the heirs of Said dec'd and proceed as follows as the above plan represents (Viz) No.1 Drawn by Lee Reaves Newell Beginning at a water oak on the run of the wolf pit branch and runs So.54 Et 86 poles to a Stake then So.41 Wt to a water oak at the run of Thunder Swamp the (sic) the various courses of the run of said swamp to the mouth of the wolf pit branch then up the various course of Said Branch to the first Station Containing one hundred acres more or less. No. 2 Drawn by Clarky Reaves Newell Beginning at a Stake and ruins then So.51 Wt.244 poles to an ash in the run of Thunder Swamp then down the run of Said Swamp to Lee Reaves Newells corner then with his line No.41 Et. To the first Station Containing One Hundred and Seventeen acres more or less. NO. 3 Drawn by Liddia Smith Beginning t a Stake on the Mill path and runs west 6 poles to a water oak on the west side of the road in the calf paster Branch then WE.49 poles to a Stake then So.182 poles to a pine then No. 80 Wt. 29 ½ poles to a pine No. 18 Wt. 65 poles to a Stake then No.21 Wt.28 poles ot a Stake then No.185 poles to a pine then No.30 Et.85 poles to a pine on the mill path then along the path as it runs to the first Station Containing One Hundred and fifty three acres more or less the Said Lydda Smith receives from Lee Reaves Newell Twenty Dollars to make her lot Equal and the aforesaid Lee Reaves Newell also pays to Clarky Reaves Newell thirty Dollars to make her lot Equal. Given under our hand and Seals this 10th August 1835.
W. Thompson Shff William Kelly (Seal)
Augt Co. 1835 George Flowers (Seal)
James Kelly (Seal)