1835 Will - John Reeve
Dated: 26 Nov 1835, Lea and Cleverton, WiltshireProbated: Archdeaconry of Wiltshire, 8 Jun 1837
In the name of God Amen I John Reeve the elder of Lea in the County of Wilts Yeoman being in health of Body and of sound mind memory and understanding, but considering the uncertainty of human life do for the settling my worldly affairs make, publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say):- I Give and Bequeath unto and equally between my beloved wife Ruth Reeve and my son Alfred Reeve All my Household Goods Plate Linen and Furniture, Stock of Cattle, corn, Grain, Hay, Farming Implements, Dairy Utensils, Ready Money, and Securities for Money and all other my Personal Estate and Effects of every sort and description (subject to the payment of my just Debts, Funeral Charges and Testamentary Expences), to and for their own respective absolute use benefit and disposal;- And I nominate constitute and appoint my said wife and son Alfred join executrix and executor of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and declaring null and void all and every former and other will and wills, codicil and codicils and Testamentary writing and writings by me at any time heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed and set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty five.John Reeve
Signed Sealed Delivered published and Declared }
by the said Testator John Reeve the elder, as and for }
his last will and Testament in the presence of us, who }
in his presence, at his request and in the presence of }
each other have hereunto subscribed our names as }
Witnesses thereto
Catharine Handy
Jno. S. Handy
At Malmesbury on the 8th day of June 1837 Alfred Reeve one of the joint exors within named (the like power to act being reserved to Ruth Reeve the other xor also within named) was duly sworn before me.
W. Maidenald
A?? Wilts