1842 Will - Amos Rooke

1842 Will - Amos Rooke

1842 Will - Amos Rooke


Dated: 26 Sep 1842, Southfield, Richmond County, New York
Probated: 12 Nov 1844, Richmond County Surrogate's Court
Recorded: Richmond County, New York Will Book G, p15

Transcript or Summary

In the name of God Amen I Amos Rooke, of Southfield, County of Richmond and State of New York, being of sound and disposing mind and memory and being desirous of settling my worldly affairs whilst I have strength and capacity so to do, do make & publish this my last Will and Testament (thereby revoking & making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made) in manner following, that is to say
I hereby constitute and appoint John C Garretson and Abraham Garretson and John Flick of Staten Island, and the survivor of them executors and executor of this my last will and testament.
After payment of my just debts and charges, I give and bequeath the sum of two hundred dollars to my daughter Mary, widow of Matthew Reeves:- the sum of twenty five dollars to my son Amos Rooke: the sum of twenty five dollars my daughter Elizabeth wife of Blumhart, twenty five dollars to my grandson Joshua Warring, son of my daughter Ann; twenty five dollars to my grandson Thomas Shanot, son of my daughter Frances twenty five dollars to my great grandson Matthew Theodore Reeves; twenty five dollars to my grandson Silbarston Chase Rooke Chase, son of my son David Rooke if living twenty five dollars to my grandson Robert Theodore Reeves, son of my daughter Mary; twenty five dollars to my grandson George , son of my daughter Ann making altogether the sum of four hundred dollars to be paid as above bequeathed by my executors one year after the day of my decease.
The rest, residue and remainder of all my property real personal or mixed to be left to my daughter widow of Matthew Reeves.
Codicil first. And all my honest debts to be paid for and funeral expenses.
Codicil 2d And I want a head stone like that of my first wife, and a foot stone, with the same verses on it.
Codicil No 3 I give to my granddaughter Maray, the daughter of my daughter Mary, one feather bed.
Codicil No 4 I leave to the minister of the moravian Church the sum of five dollars
Codicil No 5 I leave the sum of five dollars for repairing the grave yard of said church
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the twenty sixth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & forty two.
Amos Rooke LS

Signed sealed, published and declared by the said Amos Rooke, the testator and for his last will & testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
Joseph Silry
Jeremiah S Silva


FamilySearch - Richmond County, New York Will Book G, p15