Walton Co., GA. 1846 Deed - Leonard B. Hayes to Frederick Reeves

1846 Deed - Leonard B. Hayes to Frederick Reeves

1846 Deed - Leonard B. Hayes to Frederick Reeves

Walton County, Georgia
Deed Book O p. 356
6 Jan 1846

Walton County

This Indenture made this 6th January Eighteen hundred and forty six between Leonard B. Hayes Sheriff of the County ad State aforesaid of the one part and Frederick Reeves of the other part: Witnesseth, that whereas the said Leonard B. Hayes Sherriff as aforesaid, did lately Seize and Levy upon a Certain tract of land, Situate, lying and being in the County and state first aforesaid for and in Consideration of the sum of Seventy Dollars and 12 Cents lawful money to the said Leonard B. Hayes, Sherriff in hand well and truly paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Frederick Reeves, his heirs and assigns, all that Tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County and Sate aforesaid on the Waters of the Appalachy River Containing one hundred and twenty five acres more or less lying in the third district of said adjoining Hope H. Camp and others Levied upon as the property of Watson Ellison by virtue of writ of fieri facias issued from the Superior Court of Walton and after publicly advertising the same according to law in a public gazette, did put up and expose the same to sale at public outcry, on the first Tuesday of November at the door of the Court house of the County first aforesaid within the legal hours of sale when the same was Knocked off to the said Frederick Reeves at the price or sum of Seventy 12th dollars he being the highest and last bidder Now for and in Consideration of the said Seventh 12th (?) dollars in hand paid to he said Leonard B. Hayes Sheriff as aforesaid by the said at and before the the Sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof hereby acknowledged the said Leonard B. Hayes Sheriff as aforesaid hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the said Frederick Reeves the before described and bargained land with all the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining Shall and will warrant and forever defend the title thereof against the claim of all and every person or persons claiming by through or under the said as far as in law or equity he may be bound to do so as Sheriff and no further In Witness whereof the said Sheriff as aforesaid hath hereunto set his hand affixed his Seal the day and date first written

Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of

                                                                                        Leonard B. Hayes Shff
N. N.. Morrell
Orion Stroud, J.J.C

Recorded 4th July 1846
H. E. Haralson D. Clk


Walton County GA Deed Book O p. 356
Photograph of original deed book pages courtesy of Kay Dawson.

Contributors to this page: Beverly and Richard .
Page last modified on Friday 02 of August, 2013 10:42:03 CDT by Beverly.