Orange Co., NC 1846 Will - John Reeves

1846 Will - John Reeves

Will of John Reeves

Orange County, North Carolina
Will 1785-1865, Vol 11
9 Dec 1846


In the name of God amen I John Rieves (sic) of Orang County and State of Northcarolina being weak in boddy but of Sound disposing mind and memory Cawling to mind the mortality of my boddy knowing it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordane this my last will and testament as tutching (sic) Such worldly estate whear with it is pleas god to bless me in this life I give and be queth in the following manner and form

Item that my Executor hearafter named Shall provid for my boddy a decent buriel Sutable to the wishes of my Relations and friends and pay all funriel expences together with my Just debts how So ever and to hoomsoever owing out of the monies that may first come in to hand as a part or parcel of my estate

Item I give to my Sone John Rieves (sic) one negro girl named Mary one boy by the name of Jessy one bed and furniture one Cow and Calf

Item I give to my daughter Marah Andrews one negro girl namd Filis also one tract of land adjoining the lands of Robbert Cheek Lacey Loyd and others containing fortey two acres Moore or less

Item I give to my daughter Priscillar Rieves (sic) one negro boy namd Mais Johney (sic ?) two fether beads and furniture one hors worth Tirty dollars one cow and calf one chest one Sow and pigs one flat wheel one cottin wheal one ovin and Pot

Item I Give to my daughter Marthey Rieves (sic) one negro girl namd Elin one hors worth Sixtey dollars one Cow and Calf one Sow and pigs eight dollars to by hir a Chest two fether beds and furniture one Pot and ovin one Cotin wheel one Flatt wheal

Item I give to my daughter Delila Rieves (sic) one negro girl namd Moriah one hors worth Sixty dollars one Cow and calf one Sow and pigs two fether beds and furniture eight dollars to purchase hir a chest one cottin wheel one flat wheel

Item I give to my daughter Sina Moore one negro girl name Sarah

Item I give to my three daughters Priscila, Marthe and Delila the plantation on which I now liv So long as they liv Single and in case ether of them Should marey the Land is to be held by the other two and if the Second one mary the place is held by the other Single one and in case She maries the Land is to be Sold and divided betwixt them thre each to Shear and Shear alike

Item It is my desire that my daughter Tabitha Kirk Shall liv with my three Single daughters and I leave in charge with them one negro boy namd Jerry Solong as my daughter Tabith Kirk Shall live with them and after hir death the boy Jerry be Sold and the monies arising from the Sail thearof to be equely divided among my Children each to Shear and Shear alike

Item I give to my grand children Nancey Kirk, John Kirk, Alvis Kirk, Presley Kirk one Hundred dollars to be equally divided betwixt them

Item it is my will that the rest of my negros that hav not bin namd Shall be Equaly divided betwixt my Children to wit John Rieves (sic) my daughters Marah Andrews, Priscila Rievs (sic), Martha Rievs (sic), Delila Rievs (sic) and Sinah Moore

Item It is my will that the plantation that I purchased from my brother James Rievs (sic) with all the balance of my property to be Sold after my death and the monies arising thearfrom to be equally divided betwixt my after namd Children John Rievs (sic), my daughter Priscila Rieves (sic), Martha Rievs (sic), Delila Rievs (sic), Marah Andrews, Sinah Moore each to Shear and Shear alike

Item the Negros that I gave to my Sone John Shall return to my after named Children in case he or his lawful heirs Shall never come after them to wit my daughter Polly Andrews, Priscila Rieves (sic), Martha Rievs (sic), Delila Rievs (sic), Sina Moore each to Shear and Shear alike

Alike I aso (sic also?) constitute and appoint my trusty friend and Sone John Rieves (sic) and my Son in law Chesley Moore Executors to this my last will and testament in witness whare of I have hear unto Set my hand and Seal this the 9 December 1846

John Rieves (Seal)
T. D. Oldham, Jurat
John Moore, Jurat
Geo. W. Purify

Whereas I John Reaves have made my last will & Testament in writing as above expressed, on the 9th day of December 1846, But as circumstances since now naturally changed, I do by this writing which I hereby declare to be a codicil to my said will, to be construed as a part thereof, I will & direct that in addition to what I have devised to my son John Reaves (sic Reeves) that he also have in place of Mary (now dead) a negro girl by the name of Jane together with her increase

I further will & direct that the increase of the negro girls given to my daughters Mary Andrews, Sina Moore, & Martha and Delilah, go to those of my said daughters to whom the mother of such increase has already been devised.

Should any of the negroes that I have devised or given to any of my children by will, die in my lifetime, I hereby direct that the value of said negro or negroes be made up to them out of the negroes that have been left to be divided.

I further direct that my daughters Priscilla, Martha & Delilah have out of my estate one years allowance of provisions for themselves & for Tabitha Kirk if living.

In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand & Seal this the 22nd of September A.D. 1853

Signed Sealed & declared by the said John Reaves (sic Reeves) to be a codicil or part of his last will & testament in presence of us who at his request & in his presence do subscribe our names as witnesses

Geo. W. Purify John Reeves (Seal)
Thos. D. Oldham, Jurat
