1847 Probate Petition - Mary B. Rives
Hinds County, MississippiEstate File 909 1/2
Petition Filed 22 Mar 1847
To the Honorable Probate Court of Hinds County, Mississippi: -The petition of Mar B Rives of said County, respectfully represents, that she is the relict and widow of Anthony Rives, late of the said County, now deceased, who departed this life 24th July 1844 leaving seven children, that said decedent left no will, and there has been no administration on his estate, altho' said decedent died seized and possessed of some valuable real estate.
And your petitioner further shows that said decedent died seized and possessed of a certain tract of land, lying and being in the county aforesaid, containing by estimation, two hundred and forty acres more or less, known and described as the North east quarter of section No thirty six, and the south half of the east half of the south-east quarter of Section No twenty five, in T. five, range four west; and the south half of the west half of the south-west quarter of section No thirty, T five range three west, upon which said decedent resided in his life-time and at the time of his death, to which said tract of land your petitioner has never relinquished her right of dower.
Your petitioner, being desirous of reducing her said dower in said lands to legal possession, and holding the same for her separate use and profit, prays that your honor will cause a writ of dower to be issued, according to the requirements of the statute in this behalf, commanding the sheriff of this County to summon, and qualify commissioners to allot and set off said dower, and put your petitioner in possession of the same, as the law directs.
And, as in duty bound, your petitioner will every pray &c
Mary B. Rives