York Co., SC 1849 Will - Elizabeth Reeves

1849 Will - Elizabeth Reeves

Will of Elizabeth Reeves

The following will was written on August 1, 1849 but does not appear to have ever been filed. Another will written 28 Nov 1857 was recorded in Will Book 3, pg 386 on 8 Mar 1858 and is filed in Case Nbr. 38, File #1628. This prior will was found in a box of miscellaneous wills in the York County probate records.

York County, South Carolina
1 Aug 1849

I Elizabeth Rieves being of sound mine and understanding and kowing that it is Appointed for all to Dye Do make and Constitute this my last will and Testament in the Maner, and form following -

Item I lieve and bequest to my Stepson Henry Reeves two Negro children Addeline & Tomas

2 Item I leave to my Stepdaughter Sarah Rieves one Negro girl Namd Martha with the Inceas

3 Item I leave to my Stepdaughter Nancy Rieves one Negro woman Namd Franky and Child Elize with their later Increas

4 Item I lieve the Above Named property to my Husband John Rives (sic Reeves) or As Much of it as he may see proper to keep for his benefit as long as he lives in Case He May out live me

5 Item I lieve and bequeath my Land joining my Sister Fanny Baxter if not Sold before my Death to be sold and after paying my Funeral expenses with all my Just Dets the Balance to be Divide between my Husband and the above Named Step Children

6 Item I lieve and bequith all my House furniture and Stock to be Dividded Eqully Divid between the Above Namd Husband and Children

7 Item I do Nominate Peter Garrison as my Executor to Excute this my Last will and testament

Witness my hand and Seal this first Day August 1849

M. T. Hall                         Elizabeth Reevs (S.S.)
Thos. S. Neely
John R. Hall

Contributors to this page: Beverly and system .
Page last modified on Monday 30 of May, 2011 11:25:45 CDT by Beverly.