1851 Census ESS - Reeve, Alfred + Ann & household

Reeve, Alfred + Ann & household

1851 Census - HO 107, Piece 1772, Folio 523 reverse


Living on Bull Street in the Essex Parish of Barking, the household of Alfred Reeve

Transcript or Summary

                     Rel            Cond    Age  Occupation                                         Where Born
Alfred Reeve         Head           M        37  Gardener of 27 Acres employing about 10 labourers  Lea, Wiltshire
Ann Reeve            Wife           M        37                                                     Barking, Essex
Ann Reeve            Dau            U         9                                                     Barking, Essex
Ellen Reeve          Dau            U         7   Scholar at Home                                   Barking, Essex
John Reeve           Son            U         5                                                     Barking, Essex
Mary Reeve           Dau            U         3                                                     Barking, Essex
Molly Glenny         mother in law  Wid      73   no profession                                     Barking, Essex
Ellen Glenny         sister in law  U        33   no profession                                     Barking, Essex
Mary Wildmon         Servant        U        31   Domestic Servant                                  Wymondham, Norfolk
Eliza Mills          Servant        U        28   Domestic Servant                                  Barking, Essex
Jane Dickers         Servant        U        18   Domestic Servant                                  Chadwell, Essex



1851 Census - HO 107, Piece 1772, Folio 523 reverse, Page 33, Schedule 148