1851 Census - HO107, Piece 1971, Folio 232 reverse
Living in Toddington, Gloucestershire, the household of Thomas and Mary A HUNT ... ...Transcript or Summary
Rel Cond Age Occupation Where Born Thomas Hunt Head Marr 35 Agricultural Labourer Toddington, Gloucestershire Mary A Hunt Wife Marr 30 Toddington, Gloucestershire George Hunt Son 6 Scholar Toddington, Gloucestershire Martha Hunt Dau 4 Scholar Toddington, Gloucestershire Julie Hunt Dau 1 Toddington, Gloucestershire Harriett Reeves Visitor Unm 40 Corset Maker Didbrook, Gloucestershire
The GRO Index to Births records the birth of Juley (sic) Ann Hunt during 2q1850 and of George Hunt during 3q1844 both in Winchcomb Reg.Dist. and both with mother's maiden name of REEVE.FreeBMD notes the marriage of Thomas HUNT and Mary Ann REEVE during 2q1844 in the Winchcombe Reg.Dist.
If there is a family relationship between Harriett and Mary Ann Hunt (nee Reeve), it is presently unknown. Harriett's parent's, James and Frances, had a daughter Mary Ann, but she was older than Harriett and probably died in 1815.