1851 Census - HO107, Piece 1670, Folio 255 face
Residing at West End in the parish of South Stoneham, Hampshire, the household of William Reeves ...
Transcript or Summary
Rel Cond Age Occupation Where Born
William Reeves Head Mar 44 Agricultural Labourer South Stoneham, Hants
Sarah Reeves Wife Mar 40 Hampton, Hants
Thomas Reeves Son Unm 18 Agricultural Labourer South Stoneham, Hants
Mary A Reeves Dau Unm 16 Field Labourer Titchfield, Hants
Maria Reeves Dau Unm 15 Titchfield, Hants
James Reeves Son 13 Titchfield, Hants
Sarah Reeves Dau 10 Scholar Titchfield, Hants
Edmund Reeves Son 8 Scholar Titchfield, Hants
George Reeves Son 5 South Stoneham, Hants
The next but one houshold is that of
Benjamin Reeves
1851 Census - HO107, Piece 1670, Folio 255 face, Page 18