Deed - The Heirs of Joshua Reeves to Wiley P. Absher
Wilkes County, North CarolinaDeed Book Z, pgs 66-67
This Indenture, made this (blank) day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and fifty eight between Howel Reevs and Hiram Reeves, Richard Reevs, Logan Reevs, Hulda J. Reevs, Sarah M. Polard heirs of Joshua Reevs Decd. Of the one part and Wiley P. Absher of the other part all of the county of Wilkes and State of North Carolina Witnesseth that the (sic ?) an in consideration of the som of one hundred and fifty dollars in hand paid to the heirs of Joshua Reevs – doth hereby acknowledge themselves fully Satisfied hath given granted Bargained and Sold unto the Sd. W. P. Absher his heirs and assigns all the tract or parsel (sic) of Land lying and being in the county and State aforesaid on the waters of Mulberry Creek bounded as follows, Eighty eight and half acres Beginning at a red oak bush Hiram Reevs corner in W. P. Absher’s line running North varing (sic varying?) from eighty three to Seventy Degrees West with Crooked marked conditional line Between him and Said Absher 80 poles to a Spanish oak, South eighty degrees West cross a Small Branch Seventeen poles to a red oak, South with Presley Brown’s line crossing Said Branch 78 poles to a Spanish oak, South twenty degrees East 15 (?) poles to a large chestnut, South eighty five degrees East with Joseph Elledge’ line 90 (illegible) red oak by the fence, South varying from thirty to eighteen degrees West (illegible) the end of the land between him and A. W. Absher Cheek, South seventy six degrees East 35 poles to a Stake, South fifty three Degrees 16 poles, South Sixty eight degrees East 22 poles to a red oak, North 76 poles to a pine, East with A. J. Absher’ line to a pine on the East side of the wagon road, then running a Strate line to the cross fence 30 poles to the out side fence, then with Sd. Fence to the Beginning, To have and to hold the aforesd. Land with all the right, title, priviledge to the same, in any wise belonging to the sd. W. P. Absher his heirs and admr. Executors, Shall and may forever hereafter peacefully & truly have hold occupy possess enjoy the forest Land of all incumbrance and the Sd. Heirs of Josh Reevs Decd. Doth obligate themselves their heirs Executors & admrs. To warrant & defend the affords. Land and premises to him the Sd. W. P. Absher his heirs and Executors & Adms. To have an to hold free from any incumbrances whatsoever, In testimony whereof, we hereunto Set our hands and afixt our Seals and delivered
in presents of us § Howel (his X mark) Reeves (Seal)
Witness § Hiram (his X mark) Reevs (Seal)
Abram (his X mark) Adams § Richard (his X mark) Reevs (Seal)
W. W. Brown § Logan (his X mark) Reevs (Seal)
Wm. H. Absher § Hulda J. (her X mark) Reevs (Seal)
§ Saryan (her X mark) Pollard (Seal)
(wrote on the Back)
State of North Carolina } County Court Clerk’s office December 8th 1860
Wilkes County } The execution of the within Deed was duly
Proven by the oath of Wm. H. Abshire one of the subscribersd witnesses
Thereto in order to be Registered –
Registered } Test W. Mastin Clk
17 Dec 1860 } By Usaac S Call D.C.