Deed - Elijah Reaves to Hall et al
Halifax County, Virginia
Deed Book 59, Page 616
22 Jan 1861
This deed made the 22nd day of January in the year 1861 between Elijah Reaves and Nancy his wife of the one part and Nancy S. Hall & Mary W. Hall of the other part all of the county of Halifax and State of Virginia witnesseth That the Said Elijah Reaves & Nancy his wife in consideration of the sum of Six hundred Dollars have granted and Sold and by these presents do grant and sell unto the said Nancy S. Hall and Mary W. Hall and to their heirs and assigns forever with general warranty a certain tract of land lying in the said county adjoining the Lands of Thomas Powell Wm. Link and others and containing by a Survey made by Wm. M. Faulkner 49 acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows, Beginning at Pointers Hickory & white oak and corner of Buck Link thence N 59º E 33 poles to a Red Oak & corner of James Powell thence S 27º E 138½ poles to pine in Robert Holycross lines & corner aforesaid Links, thence N 77º W 78 poles to a creek thence N 58º E 36 poles to a creek thence N 4 — E 32 poles to the beginning. Witness the following signatures and seals.Elijah (his x mark) Reaves (Seal)
Nancy (her mark) Reaves (Seal)
Recorded Halifax County VA
22 Jan 1861