1868 Deed - John C. Reeves to Nancy P. Reeves
Lincoln County, TennesseeDeed Book E2, p250
29 Sep 1868
Whereas William Reeves departed this life intestate in Lincoln County Tennessee about September 1844 leaving his surviving widdow Nancy P Reeves and the only children John C Reeves James L Reeves and Nancy who married John Cole and was left the widow of said Cole and then married Harbend Harwell said intestate also left as surviving Miles J Reeves only child of intestate son Henry Reeves who departed in the time of said intestate said intestate and seized and possed of the following acres and tract of land situated in said County of Lincoln and State of Tennessee District No 13 and Bounded as follows Beginning at a lane red oak it being David McGaveth corner of his 56 acre tract running north with his one hundred poles to a beech it leaving also a corner of said McGasfecks thence west with Awan Ayers one hundred and seven poles and 7/10 of a pole to a stake thence south fourteen to two beeches it being Aman Ayers corner thence west seventy two poles with the said Ayers and to a beech thence south one hundred and five poles to a beech and Hickory thence east eighty poles with Samuel Watt line to a beech which is the said Watts corner thence north nineteen poles to a beech and Hickory thence east one hundred and seven poles and 7/10 pole to the beginning containing one hundred and seventeen acres be the same more or less know all men by these presents that I John C Reeves for and in consideration of the sum of six hundred dollars to me in hand paid by Nancy P Reeves do hereby bargain and transfer and convey to her my undivided interest in said tract of land to have & to hold said undivided intrest un said tract of land to the said Nancey P Reeves her heirs and assigns forever, covenant with the said Nancy P Reeves have a good right to convey my undivided interest and my self my heirs and representatives to warrant and forever defend the title to the said undivided interest to the said Nancy P Reeves her hers and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whatever in witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal this September 29 1868 Before SignedA L MyersJohn C Reeves (Seal)
Allen Reeves
State of Tennessee Lincoln County Personally appeared before me E P Reynolds clerk of the County Court of said County A L Myers and Allen Reeves subscribing witnesses to the attached instrument who being first duly sworn depose and say that they are personally acquainted with John C Reeves, the bargainer to the attached instrument and that he acknowledged the same in their presence to be his act and deed for the purposes there in contained Witness my hand at office this 24th day of May 1869
E P Reynolds Clerk
for Jno B Smith DC
Recorded May 24th 1869 at 10 AM
Registered same day