1869 Deed - Estate of Frederick Reaves to David M. Moore et al
Walton County, Georgia
Deed Book D, p. 547
28 Dec 1869
State of Georgia
Walton County
This Indenture made the 28 day of December 1869 between Daniel S. Watson of the county & state aforesaid duly constituted administrator of the Estate of Frederick Reaves, late of said county deceased of the one part and David M. Moore & Thomas J. Moore of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth: That whereas by virtue of an order granted by the ordinary previous notice of application having been given in the Southern Banner, a newspaper published in the City of Athens Clarke County Georgia according to law in such cases made and provided on the 6th day of September last to said David S. Watson, admr as aforesaid, to sell a lot of land belonging to the Estate of said deceased situated lying and being in the County aforesaid Known and distinguished as lot No. 18 in the 3d District of said county After said lot was duly advertised in conformity to law, the same was put up and exposed to sale, to the highest bidder, at the Court house door in Monroe ins aid County, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November 1869, by said Daniel S. Watson, administrator as aforesaid within the usual hours of sale, When said lot of land was knocked off to said David M. Moore and Thomas J. Moore at the price and sum of Eleven hundred & thirty Dollars
Now, for and in consideration of the said sum of Eleven hundred and thirty dollars cash in hand paid to the said Daniel S. Watson administrator as aforesaid by them the said David M & Thomas J. at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Said Daniel S. Watson admr as aforesaid hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell so far as the office of administrator authorizes him unto the said David M. & Thomas J. their heirs and assigns the said lot of land Number Eighteen tin the third District of said County. Containing two hundred and seventy acres more or less, Known as the place whereon Frederick Reaves lived at the time of his death.
With all the rights, Members and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to them the David M. Moore and Thomas J. Moore, their heirs and assigns in as full and ample a manner as the said lot of land was seized and possessed and enjoyed by the said Frederick Reaves, deceased, in his life time.
In Witness whereof the said Daniel S. Watson administrator as aforesaid hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year above written.
Daniel S. Watson
Signed sealed and delivered
in the presence of
W. A. Clemmons
W. T. Kimbro J. P.
Recorded Feby 5th 1896
Jon T. Robertson, Clerk
Note: In one place the administrator is shown as “David S. Watson”. In several places “David” is written over with “Daniel” and he deed is signed “Daniel S. Watson”.
Walton County GA Deed Book D, p. 547Photograph of original deed book pages courtesy of Kay Dawson