1884 Deed - Isabella Griffin et al to Minton A. Blackmon

1884 Deed - Isabella Griffin et al to Minton A. Blackmon

1884 Deed - Isabella Griffin et al to Minton A. Blackmon

Lancaster County SC
4 August 1884
Deed Book D p471-472

Isabella Griffin Et al       }
        To                               } Deed of Conveyance
Minton A. Blackmon      }

The State of South Carolina    }
County of Lancaster                  }
Know all men by these Presents that we Jane Blackmon, widow of Amos Blackmon, and John C. Blackmon, A. Minor Blackmon, Miel Blackmon, Nancy Kennington, Isabella Griffin, & her husband James A. Griffin and Delilah Neal & her husband T. Elmore Neal, as Distributees and heirs at Law of Amos Blackmon decd, of Lancaster County in the aforesaid State in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred ($700 00/100) Dollars (One Hundred thereof paid to each of us respectively) to us in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents by Minton A. Blackmon of the same State and County, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and released, and by these Presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said Minton A. Blackmon all of our and each of our Rights, Title, Interest and Estate in and to all that piece parcel or tract of land situate in the County and State aforesaid in Flat Creek Township, on the waters of Flat Creek, bounded on the North by lands of the said Minton A. Blackmon and A. J. Small, on the East by lands of Mrs. Nelly Hill, on the South by lands of the said Minton A. Blackmon, and on the West by lands of Benjamin E. Blackmon and William Hinson and it may be others, and containing Two hundred and forty four acres (244) more or less, and being the lands whereon Amos Blackmon resided at the time of his death. For a more particular description see Plat thereof made by W. R. Duren D. S. Dated the 14 day of February 1882. Together with all and singular the Rights Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said Premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining, to have and to hold all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Minton A. Blackmon his Heirs and Assigns forever, and we do hereby bind ourselves, and our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Minton A. Blackmon his Heirs and Assigns against ourselves, and our Heirs, and all other person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof.
Witness our Hands and Seals this the 4 day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty four and in the one hundred and ninth year of the Independence of the United States of America.
Signed Sealed and Delivered    }Isabella (her mark) Griffin (seal)
in the Presence of                        }Jas (her mark) Griffin (seal)
W. S. A. Porter                             }J. C. Blackmon (seal)
A. J. Small                                     }A. M. (his mark) Blackmon (seal)
Nancy (her mark) Kennington (seal)
Delila (her mark) Neal (seal)
Jane (her mark) Blackmon (seal)
T. E. Neal (seal)
M. D. Blackmon (seal)