Todd County, Kentucky

Todd Co., KY

Todd Co., KY


Many of the original settlers of the county had become established in what would become Todd County when the state was still part of Virginia territory. This area of southern Kentucky was to be gifted to the veterans who served Virginia in the American Revolutionary War. The first definite account of permanent immigration to this district is that of Edward Shanklin Jr. whose father was given one of the earliest land grants in the region for his service in the American Revolutionary War. Samuel Davis, father of Jefferson Davis was also an early settler of the region.

The Commonwealth of Kentucky enacted the creation of the county on April 1, 1820. The legislature designated that the name of the county be in remembrance of Colonel John Todd who died at the Battle of Blue Licks.
Source: Wikipedia

Modern Day Adjacent Counties

Todd County is bordered by Muhlenberg County in the north, Logan County to the east, Christian County in the west and Tennessee counties Robertson and Montgomery to the southeast and southwest.

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Page last modified on Sunday 19 of December, 2010 10:59:06 CST by Beverly.