Reeves Review, Page 1, ID #39

John Reeves, Page 12 ID 39

Errors of The Reeves Review II

John Reeves

Page 12, ID #39
See - http://www.joesue.com/Books/RRII/R0013.htm Link broken.

Lineage is incorrect as established by DNA and probate records of Granville County NC, i.e. (William, William, Timothy, Richard, John, Robert).

While John Reeves is very probably a grandson of William Reeves who died in Granville County, North Carolina in 1751, he was not a son and was not listed in the will of William Reeves as an heir.

This John Reeves is likely the John Reeves, son of Ubgate Reeves of Charles County, Maryland who is referred to in a St. Mary's County deed of 16 Nov 1772 between John Reeves and Justinian Jordan refers to John Reeves as “of Halifax County in the Colony of North Carolina but now in St. Mary's County in Maryland”. That John Reeves died before July of 1786 when the following was published in St. Mary's County MD.

The Maryland Gazette published an article as follows:
Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the depositions of Nelson Tippett and Josiah Tippett, of St. Mary's County, will be taken on Monday the 4th of September next, before Hanson Briscoe, Esq, at Chaptico, respecting the death of John Reeves who removed from this state to North Carolina, and who was the son of Upgate Reeves, formerly of this county. Benjamin B. Chester
St. Mary's County, Chaptico, July 1786

John Reeves, listed as the father of Fannie Reeves, Thompson Reeves, Frederick Reeves, Loftin Reeves and Wylie Reeves was not the John Reeves listed in 1755 Tax List of Granville County, NC with son Thomas.

According to all census records, Thompson Reeves was born circa 1800 in South Carolina. John Reeves, the probable father of Thompson, is listed in the census of Pendleton District, SC in 1790 and in 1800 as over 45, but it is unrealistic to believe that he was the John Reeves of the Granville tax lists of 1755 who would have been approximately 100 years old in 1800.

Additionally Wiley Reeves who married Rebecca Thompson (NOT Ransome) in Granville County, NC on 24 November 1788 was the son of William Reeves who died in York County, SC in 1821. See York County Probate Records of the Estate of William Reeves, Case Nbr. 45, File 1904 as well as the 1822 Estate of Elizabeth Reeves, which both name Wiley as an heir. In addition he was an administrator of the Estate of his father, William Reeves.

Contributors to this page: Beverly .
Page last modified on Tuesday 09 of May, 2023 09:39:46 CDT by Beverly.