Reaves, Thomas (c1790 NC - 1840 NC)


Reaves, Thomas


Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown

Birth: before 1790
Birth Source: Estimate from 1830 Census

Death: 1840, Greene County, North Carolina
Death Source: Estate Settlement

Spouse1: Elizabeth MNU


Thomas Reaves was listed on the tax lists of Captain B. Sheppard's District in Greene County in 1816.

The most likely candidate for the father of Thomas Reaves is Joseph Reaves who was also listed among the taxables for Captain B. Sheppard's District of Greene County in 1816.

The estate records Greene County NC record an allotment of a year's provisions for the widow Elizabeth Reaves recorded in November court 1840. No children are named in the few probate documents that exist.


Estate Records of Greene County NC 1837-1845, pg 96 Year's Allowance to Elizabeth Reaves, Widow
IBID pg 326-327 Inventory & Settlement of Thomas Reaves Estate

Contributors to this page: Beverly , @TRP-GC and system .
Page last modified on Wednesday 13 of July, 2016 09:46:39 CDT by Beverly.