Reeves, Albert (c1808 NY - 1890 NY)


Reeves, Albert


Father: Edward Reeves
Mother: Lucretia Wick

Birth: c1808, New York
Birth Source: Census

Death: 1890, Southampton, Suffolk County, New York
Death Source: Obituary

Spouse1: Elizabeth


Children of Albert Reeves and Elizabeth:
  1. Samuel Reeves, b. c1836
  2. Elizabeth Reeves, b. c1839

Times Union (Brooklyn, New York), 6 Nov 1890
He Did Not Swear nor Curse at His Men While Catching Leviathans.
Old Capt. Albert Reeves, of Southampton, died very suddenly a few days ago at his home in that village, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. In speaking of the Captain's death an old friend says: "He was one of Southampton's most worthy and respected as well as oldest citizens. Following a seafaring life in his younger days, he made several voyages as officer. To illustrate the character of the man, it was the writer’s privilege to go after his first whale with Mr. Reeves. When he went forward to use the lance the lashings could not he untied. Instead of swearing and cursing, as is too common, he said: 'Men, I pray of you, clear that lance.' A few minutes after we were all in the water and the boat bottom side up. Almost the first thing Mr. Reeves did was to call for each man and see that he was safe. A number of years ago his only son sailed as mate of the bark Ocean oat of Sag Harbor. The vessel was never heard from again. Since then old Capt. Reeves lived a quiet, retired life. A good neighbor, citizen and Christian.

Note that the obituary states that his son was lost at sea.

Research Notes


Death:        Obituary, Times Union (Brooklyn, New York), 6 Nov 1890

1850 Census:  Southampton, Suffolk County, New York
1860 Census:  Southampton, Suffolk County, New York
1870 Census:  Southampton, Suffolk County, New York
1880 Census:  Southampton, Suffolk County, New York