Reeves, Edward
Birth Source:
Death: by Dec 1691
Death Source: Widow remarriage
Spouse1: Ann
Spouse2: Henrietta
Spouse3: Mary
Children of Edward Reeves:- Francis Reeves
- Humphrey Reeves
- possibly Elizabeth Reeves, m. John Seargant
- possibly Edward Reeves
Immigration lists for Maryland based on early patents show that Edward transported his wife Ann and his sons Francis and Humphrey from Virginia to Baltimore, Maryland in 1667.
A 1677 deed mentions that Edward had a grant from Charles Baron Lord Baltimore in 1676 for 43 acres known as The Chance in Baltimore County. Edward then sold the land in 1677 to Thomas Preston.
He sold 175 acres of land to William Burn, the portion of his land which he and William Lodowick had received as assignees of George Yate from a grant Yate received. Edward's wife Ann consented to this deed.
Edward Reeves and John Miles appraised the estate of George Gunnell 15 Dec 1680. (Proceedings, p417)
In 1681, George and Elizabeth Shipwith sold him two tracts totalling 150 acres.
In 1683, he was bound to Richard and Catherine Adams in order to record a deed of gift to "Elisabeth Swanson the sole Daughter of Edward Swanson Deceased" containing "one hundred acres called Phillis Choice now in the possession of Edward Reeves." He then bought the 100 acres of land in Baltimore County called Phills Choyce from Richard and Catherine Adams of Cecile County, Maryland.
In 1685, he executed a deed of gift for the "love and Affection which I have and do beare unto Elizabeth Sergant the wife of John Sergant." Also, in 1685, he deeded fifty acres of land known as Hogs Neck to George Conningam (Cunningham). A bond and survey were recorded with the deed for this transaction.
Thomas Cannon died by Sep 1684. His admnx. Henrietta had married Edward Reeves by then. Mary, relict and extx. of Edward Reeves, was married to Richard Askew by Dec. 1691.
Research Notes
The book Baltimore County Families, 1659 - 1759 states that he had children Roger, Edward, Ann (m. John Savory), and possibly Elizabeth (m. John Serjeant). Some of these individuals are mentioned in early Balitmore records but more research is needed to prove a connection.Baltimore County Families claims an Edward Reeves chose Richard Askew to be his guardian in 1693 (Proceedings Liber G1, p83). This would appear to be a son of Edward. He was listed as a taxable in the household of James Maxwell in 1695.
Reeves Immigrants to Maryland based on early patents1677 Deed - Edward Reeves to Thomas Preston - Baltimore County, Maryland Deed Book PP, p19
1679 Deed - Edward Reeves to William Burn - Baltimore County, Maryland Deed Book PP, p38
1681 Deed - George and Elizabeth Shipwith to Edward Reeves - Baltimore County, Maryland Deed AM, p125
1683 Bond - Edward Reeves to Richard and Catherine Adams - Baltimore County, Maryland Deed Book AM, p67
1683 Deed - Richard and Catherine Adams to Edward Reeves - Baltimore County, Maryland Deed Book RM, p58
1685 Deed - Edward Reeves to Elizabeth Sergant - Baltimore County, Maryland Deed Book RM, p109
1685 Deed - Edward Reeves to George Conningam - Baltimore County, Maryland Deed Book RM, p162
1685 Bond - Edward Reeves to George Conningam - Baltimore County, Maryland Deed Book RM, p163
1685 Survey - Edward Reeves - Baltimore County, Maryland Deed Book RM, p163
Baltimore County Marriage References
Barnes, Robert William. Baltimore County Families, 1659 - 1759, p534
Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1 (Vol 69), p417