Reeves, Stephen (? - 1789 NY)

Reeves, Stephen

Reeves, Stephen


Father: John Reeves

Birth Source:

Death: 1789
Death Source: Probate



Stephen Reeves of Southampton, New York wrote his will on 9 Jul 1789 and it was proved 25 Dec 1789. He mentions a nephew John Reeves, a David Reeves (relation unknown), a friend Elizabeth Smith, and names John Reeves and William Herrick executors to the will.

Stephen Reeves, Stephen Reeves Jr., and Stephen Reeves, 3d signed a covenant dated 30 Dec 1784 to pay Mr. Joshua Williams as pastor of the First Parish in Southampton. (Howell, p112).

In a list of dwellers of Southampton complied based on various records, Stephen Reeves is listed as living on Main Street by 1748 (Howell, p153). That year, Nathaniel Howell of Southampton sold his homestead to Stephen Reeves (Howell, p306). Interestingly, the will of this Stephen mentions a pond he bought of Jonah Howell.

This appears to be Stephen the innkeeper, the earliest Stephen mentioned in the Southampton town records. Note that the first record from1742 places him next to Nathan, who would be his brother:
  • Abraham Fordham sells to Joseph Foster a lot of meadow at Sbinecock Neck, bounded S by James Herrick Nathan and Stephen Reeves, W by bay and Fort pond, N by Stephen Herrick, E by upland, price 30£ Aug. 19, 1742
  • James Butler of Branford Ct sells to Stephen Reeves of Southampton a house and home lot in Southampton 1 1/2 acres bounded N by Hugh Gelston E by street, S by Stephen Reeves, W by highway that leads to town pond, price 152£ 10s April 4 1753
  • James Butler of Branford Ct sells to Stephen Reeves of Southampton a home lot in said town bounded E by highway, S by said Reeves, West by highway by a pond, N by Mr Gelstons home lot 1 1/2 acres.
  • Nathaniel Howell sells to Stephen Reeves a house and home lot 8 acres, bounded N by Hugh Gelston, W by swamp, S by Nathan Herrick, E by town street, 165£ Feb 19 1748
  • Stephen Reeves Inn keeper sells to John White 5 acres in Great plain, bounded N by Joseph Post, E & S by highways W Hugh Gelston, 28£ April 12 1753

A Stephen Jr and his son James appear in a list of ear marks recorded in 1770 which would appear to be the younger Stephen Reeves.

Stephen Reeves household, with one male and one female is listed on the Southampton 1776 census, west of Watermill.

Research Notes

This is likely Stephen, the son of John Reeves. We know from the above covenant dated 1785 that there were three Stephen Reeves present in Southampton. The titles of Jr. and 3rd at first would seem to indicate father, son and grandson. However, that may not be the case. Deacon Stephen Reeves died in 1820, age 86, putting his birth around 1734. This would seem to be a generation later than the children of John Reeves. It's likely therefore that this Stephen who died in 1789 was probably the son of John Reeves and deacon Stephen Reeves was a grandson to John Reeves and nephew to this Stephen.

It does not appear from the will that Stephen had a wife or children by 1789.


1776 Census - Suffolk County, New York
1789 Will - Stephen Reeves - Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber A, p143
Howell, George Rogers. The Early History of Southampton, L. I., New York (1887)
Southampton Town Records Liber B