Southampton Town Records Liber B
Mentions of significance from the published abstracts of Southampton Town Records Liber B, known as the Third Book of Records for the town.Transcript or Summary
p65Joseph Howell sells to Nathan Reeves a lot of 30 acres near Moses Culvers home lot, bounded S by highway, W by comon land, N by Samuel Jaggers land, E by Ephraim Hildreths land, price 60£ May 6 1741
Witness Mathew Wood Zebulon Howell
Abraham Fordham sells to Joseph Foster a lot of meadow at Sbinecock Neck, bounded S by James Herrick Nathan and Stephen Reeves, W by bay and Fort pond, N by Stephen Herrick, E by upland, price 30£ Aug. 19, 1742
Thomas Jessup and John Howell agree to divide the south part of their lot in Great South Division lying at a place called great Sandy Hollow No 47,...buts upon the road that leads to Seponack and run northward along by Jonah Howells and John Reeves fence....
Southampton April ye 3d day 1722 Att an Election Meeting to chuse Town officers according to ye Tenure of our pattent James Cooper Justice,...John Reeves
Southampton April ye 4th day 1732 att a Election meeting in order to chuse Town officers...John Reeves...chosen trustees...
Southampton November ye 19th 1745 The proprieters being legally warned and convened at the meeting house in order to draw their lots, and did Manifest their Willingness to ye above said devision by a unanimous vote and the Lotts were cast as followeth...
No 7
Thomas Foster Jr 1/4
Henry Halsey decd 1 1/4
Christopher Foster 1
Left Hezkiah Howell 1
Capt Tho Stephens 1 1/2
Tho Cooper Jr 1 1/2
John Reeves 1 1/2
John Foster
No 11
John Reeves & Richard Wood deceased 1-10
No 39...
John Reeves & Ri Wood deceased 1-10
No 48 John Reeves 1 1/2
Southampton 1738 The Proprietors of said town being legally warned by the Constable to meet together in order to draw their lots or rights in the lower Division in Quaganantuck Purchase...
No 20 John Reeves & Mathew Wood 0 1-10
No 24 Nathan Wood and brother 7/8
John Reeves 1/2
Southampton 1738 The Constable of said town having warned....draw their lots in the Uper DIvision in Quago Purchase...
No 4 John Reves and Matthew Wood 1-10
No 14 Matthew Wood & brother 7/8
John Reeves 1/2
Joel Reeves ear mark, 1788. Slope over left ear half penny each side of same, half penny upper side of right, which was his fathers mark and Recorded to him in page 252 (sic 262).
James Butler of Branford Ct sells to Stephen Reeves of Southampton a house and home lot in Southampton 1 1/2 acres bounded N by Hugh Gelston E by street, S by Stephen Reeves, W by highway that leads to town pond, price 152£ 10s April 4 1753
Hugh Gelston Judge
Stephen Rigers Clerk
Witnes Stephen Herrick
James Foster sells to David home lot and buildings at head of creek, 50 acres... S by Stephen Reeves
James Butler of Branford Ct sells to Stephen Reeves of Southampton a home lot in said town bounded E by highway, S by said Reeves, West by highway by a pond, N by Mr Gelstons home lot 1 1/2 acres.
Wit Samuel Barker John Willford Nathaniel Harrison
Nathaniel Howell sells to Stephen Reeves a house and home lot 8 acres, bounded N by Hugh Gelston, W by swamp, S by Nathan Herrick, E by town street, 165£
Feb 19 1748
Stephen Reeves Inn keeper sells to John White 5 acres in Great plain, bounded N by Joseph Post, E & S by highways W Hugh Gelston, 28£ April 12 1753
Bethuel Reeves, slope over left, half penny each side the same, half penny over right
John Jennings sells to Bethuel Reeves cord winder a messuage and tract of land at North sea with house barn &c 26 acres bounded W as the fence now runs, N by road or highway, E by road or highway, S by John Haines, also a piece of meadow called the pitle lying east from said house bounded W by highway, S by John Haines, E by creek as the creek now runs, N by water 1 1/2 acres, also a lot called boat lot bounded S by fence, W by highway, N John Hudson & widow Lane, E by warer 1 acre, also the land and meadow called conscience point and cedar point bounded S & W by road N & E by water, 20 acres, also piece of land at Cow neck gate bounded S by highway, West by Scollop pound, N & E highway, 9 acres, also a peice of land on Cow neck called the west side, bounded E by Henry Hariss, S by land of Samuel Jenings, W by cliff, N Thomas Lupton and highway 12 acres.
Deed is signed by John Jennings Mary Jennings, Elisabeth Jennings Jr John Haines, price 305£ April 14 1758
Stephen Jennings sell to Bethuel Reeves, shoe maker, 3/4 acre at N W corner of said Reeves lot, bounded N & S by common land, E by said Reeves, W by me, Oct 26 1762
p285 (appears to be 1760s)
David Reeves, fire brand D.
Southampton May 10 1763. The Proprietors or said Town being Legally warned to draw their Lots in the Awcauboge Division Quogue purchase....
No 6 (fifties)
John Reeves 1/2
No 15 John Reeves & the assigns of Mathew Wood 1/10
Southampton May 16 1763 The Proprietors said Town being legally warned to draw their lots in the Aucaubogue Division in Toppings purchase...
No 2 ...John Reeves 1/2
No 3 ...Nathan Reeves 3/4
Southampton September the 6 Anno Dom 1763. The Proprietors of the town...
No 40 Joseph Marshall & John Reeves 1-10
John Haines sells to Jackson Scott 8 acres in Cow neck, bounded W by highway, E by Scollop pond, N by Jackson Scott, S by Thomas Jennings, price 28£ Sept 2 1763
Wtiness Bethuel Reeves Anthony Haines
Nathan Reeves, Jr., crop on each ear, half penny under each, which mark he bought at the vendue of Thomas Jennings, deceased.
David Reeves, hollow crop on left. slit in right, halt penny under same.
Bethuel Reeves, brand B. R.
(Abstracts of ear marks, 1770)
Stephen Reeves Jr, crop & slit in left, half peny over each
James Reeves, son of Stephen Jr, hollow crop on left, half penny over each
Bethuel Reeves, brand B. R.
Samuel Clark of Southampton gives to son Elisha Clark 1/2 of all my land and meadow which I have in Southampton bounded N by bay water, E by John Reeves, S by Benj Sayre, We by Benj Woolly. April 2 1771.
David Reeves gives in the day of his birth to be April 4 1741. Hannah his wife was born January 14th 1747, and they were married December the 8th 1768 and their daughter Charlotte was born February 25 1770
Appollos was born September 2 1771
David was born April 29 1779
Joel Reeves, half penny each side right, slope over same, half penny over left. 1781
John Cooper Jr and wife Hannah sells to Zebulon Wick 6 acres in Southampton bounded N & W by said Wick, E Nathan Reeves, S by highway, price 46£ Sept 24 1784. Witness Caleb Cooper Stephen Howell Abraham Fordham, Elias Howell Jr.
Southampton July 4 1782. The proprietors of the Last Division in Toppings Purchase being Legally warned they appeared and proceeded to draw their lots in said Division as followeth
No 7 Thomas Rogers sold by trustees June 1708 7-40
Nathan Reeves 3/4 21-40
John Reeves 1/2 1-40
Stephen Reeves 1/2 1-12
No 24....Remainder unknown (Stephen Reeves) 1/4
No 30 Nathan Reeves 3/4
Daniel Foster, hollow crop on left, half penny fore side of each, bought of Stephen Reeves
At a Town meeting held the 1st Day of April Anno Dom 1788...Southampton...
...Nathan Reeve...chosen Trustees
An account of the Excise as given out by us the Subscribers this 17th day of April 1788
Barnabas Reeves 2£ 10S
Stephen Foster, crop on each, half penny under each, bought of Nathan Reeves. 1796
John Reeves Jr, slit in right, half penny under same, square crop on left, two slits in same
Aaron Drake, crop on left, half penny over each, slit in crop, bought of Stephen Reeves
Election meeting held the 4th day of April 1797 to chuse town officers...Jesse Reeves...Constables
Election meeting held April 3 1798, was voted as follows...Jesse Reeve...Constables
Election meeting held in Southampton on the 2d day of April 1799...Constables...Jesse Reeves
Election Meeting held the 1st day of April 1800...Constables...Jesse Reeves
Election held 7th April 1801...Overseers of highways 10 Joel Reeves
p494 The Trustees of the town lease for 12 years...pond called Great Fresh Pond...To David Rose Joel Reeves Henry Harris...sole privilege to take all sorts of fish (clams eels and claw fish excepted) from the 15 day of Feb to the 15 day of June in each year... Oct 13 1801
Town meeting held 5 day of April 1803...Overseers of highways...10 Joel Reeves
Town meeting held April 3d 1804.
Overseers of highways...10 Joel Reeves
p516 At a meetinf of the proprietors of the school house be sold at auction...The copy of the receipt is as follows, Received of Oliver Howell 1804 April 28...
After purchasing the old house as aforesaid, fort subscribers engaged to repair & to enlarge it...
Edward Reeves 1 share
Tho Reeves 1 share
p530 At a town meeting held on Tuesday the 7th day of April 1807 for the purpose of choosing town officers...[fence viewers same as last year except]...Stephen Reeves