TRP News - 01 July 2018

July 2018

Wiki Stats - End June 2018

The total number of pages in the Wiki (as at 1 July 2018) was 7617 (previously 7449, 7306, 7238) an increase of 168 pages during the month. Of the total, 1542 pages (was 1520, 1505, 1471) begin with a number and are most probably a date related gleaning. We currently have 3235 wiki pages categorised as "People", of which 2802 begin with the letter "R".
Community members should log in to see more.

If you've not logged in to TRP recently, you really should. In the past three months 379 new pages have been added to TRP along with hundreds more which have been updated with new information.

TRP Users

We ended June 2018 with 336 user accounts registered in TRP, an increase of thirteen over the previous month. We have completely revised the enrolment process for new community members and along the way created a number of new test accounts (and then deleted most of them). We welcome new community members Thomas, Jack, Anita, Jamie, Michael, Melissa, Roberta and Douglas and we look forward to reading their contributions to TRP. If you have yet to do so, please set a meaningful name for yourself as described in First Steps - Part 1. It isn't difficult and only takes a couple of minutes to do.

Whilst we've seen more users successfully activate their new account this month, we know of at least one remaining issue with the revised enrolment process, which we will try to resolve. If you have already started the enrolment process and are having issues, please do let us know. Please contact New User Admin via TRP123 (at) TheReevesProject (dot) org if you're stuck and need help.

7500th Wiki Page

As noted above, we've seen a significant number of new pages contributed to the wiki this month. On 6 June, Jonathan added our 7500th page and since then we've also sailed past 7600. Will you be the person to add our 8000th page? We added our 7000th page back in August 2017.

DNA Group 19 Grows

Back in April we reported the formation of DNA Group 19 and noted that there were two more Reeves matches but that neither individual had joined the Reeves DNA Project. Early in April, James C Reeves stepped forward and his results were quickly added to this new group.

In June, Beverly discovered that the brother of new TRP member Melissa had taken a Y-DNA test some time ago but she couldn't identify his results at FtDNA. It transpired that Melissa's brother Bryan had tested some time ago with Ancestry rather than with FtDNA and through some clever detective work they've established Melissa & Bryan's family are also part of DNA Group 19. For the full story, please see the News Page for DNA Group 19.

Log-in Panel Restored

The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed we've restored the log-in panel to the Home Page marking the official end of the soft relaunch of TRP that we announced on 27 March. As we noted at that time, we intended to convert from User ID's based exclusively on your e-mail address to ones based on a Membership ID. Whilst some of you responded to our various requests for additional information, many haven't (yet).
  • If you did respond, you'll now be able to log-in via the Home Page using either your new Membership ID or your e-mail address.
    You no longer need to use the special log-in page we advised you of.
  • If you've yet to respond, you'll be able to login via the Home Page using your e-mail address. You'll be taken to a special form to capture the information we need to upgrade your account and we'll make those changes as quickly as we can.
    BUT until we do, you'll be taken to the same form every time you log in and you will not be able to edit any wiki pages until your account is upgraded.

Reeves DNA Project Update

In April we welcomed five new members to the project; Valerie Dobson, Daniel O'Raw, Clyde Reeves, James C Reeves and one member who has chosen to remain anonymous. April also saw one member leave the project. May was quieter with just two new members, Megan Wilson and James Jones. Activity in June has been similar, with three new members joining, Phillip Childs, Craig Johnson and Laura Bednarz and one additional leaver.

As noted in the previous report we created DNA Group 19. At that time the group had just two members. We knew of two further individuals who had tested with FtDNA and matched this group but who were not then members of the Reeves DNA Project and were particularly please when James C Reeves stepped forward in early April. During June we've added a fourth member to DNA Group 19, see Beverly's announcement on the News Page for DNA Group 19.

During the quarter, we’ve seen four new Y-DNA results as well as multiple upgrades and Family Finder results.
    Kit IN22848 for Daniel O'Raw       added to unmatched
    Kit B331606 for Clyde Reeves       added to DNA Group 08
    Kit 190034 for James C Reeves      added to DNA Group 19
    Kit 852118 for Craig Johnson       added to unmatched

In common with many organisations with an on-line presence, FtDNA have updated various aspects of their site to accommodate the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Privacy by design and default is (IMHO) to be welcomed. BUT it does mean we each need to take affirmative action to ensure we share an appropriate amount of information when that is desirable. Having spent hard earned money on a DNA test, we surely want to maximise the chances of finding "cousins". Please see Beverly's post dated 20 June 2018 on the Reeves DNA Project's Activity Feed at https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/reeves/activity-feed

The DNA Project Update for 1q2018 is available here
Contributors to this page: MartinB. and @MartinB .
Page last modified on Sunday 01 of July, 2018 11:52:14 CDT by MartinB..