TRP News - 01 August 2020

August 2020 - DNA Group 21

Wiki Stats - End July 2020

The total number of pages in the Wiki (as at 1 August 2020) now stands at 10226 (previously 10104, 10041, 9831) an increase of 119 pages during the month. Of the total, 1938 pages (was 1897, 1874, 1842) begin with a number and are most probably a date related gleaning.     We currently have 4362 wiki pages categorised as "People", of which 3899 begin with the letter "R".

Community members should log in to see more.

July 2020 has been one of the busiest months in TRP's history. Whilst we've seen more new pages created within a calendar month, we've seen more users active on multiple occasions this month. Some are our new users mentioned below, to whom we say "welcome". Others are long standing community members returning after a period of absence to whom we say "welcome back". If you need a quick refresher in how TRP works, don't be ashamed, take another look at our First Steps guides, they can be a useful reference for established users as well as new comers.

TRP Users

We ended June July 2020 with 444 user accounts registered in TRP, an increase of seven. We had eight users successfully activated their accounts during the past month. We welcome to our community Paul Reeves, Sazanne Saunders, Paula Gordon, Marsha Masengale, Marianna Como, Yvonne White, Joe Murray and most recently Starr Pearce. The majority of you have created a real name for yourself, thank you, and both Yvonne and Joe have added an AboutMe and dropped by the talk page to say "hello"

Whether you joined TRP recently or a while ago, if you have yet to do so, please set a meaningful name for yourself as described in First Steps - Part 1. It isn't difficult and only takes a couple of minutes to do. If it helps, think of it as a name label badge; so your first name plus surname (or at least surname initial) would generally be a good choice.

If you have already started the enrolment process and are having issues, please do let us know. Please contact New User Admin by sending an email to TRP123 (at) TheReevesProject (dot) org if you're stuck and need help. If you are not yet a member and would like to contribute to our community, please complete our Join Us form to start the membership enrolment process.

DNA Group 21

On 23 July, Beverly announced to the activity feed over at the Reeves DNA Project the creation of our new DNA Group 21. The two founder members of this group, BR and RR, have the surnames Revie and Reevie. You might be forgiven for thinking those would be distinct from Reeves and its usual variants, but we have been assured that there are instances of the surnames Revie/Reevie mutating into Reeve & Reeves.

It would be most helpful if BR and RR (or their respective representatives) would kindly review the TRP page about DNA Donor Permission and grant TRP permission to name them (as described on that page).

Since Reevie/Revie is a new variant of our surname, we really hope they will both come and join us at TRP and contribute pages for their ancestors and their extended family, to show how the surname Reevie/Revie has mutated across the generations to Reeve and Reeves.

Software Updated - again

We deliberately run TRP on a version of the wiki software that is designated as Long Term Stable. We don't need the latest and greatest cutting edge features and the admins here at TRP would much rather be doing their personal genealogical research than testing and updating software. But we also recognise the need to keep TRP as safe an environment as we can, which means keeping the wiki software reasonably current. And so it was again this month that we found ourselves needing to apply a latest set of minor updates to the software underpinning TRP which took us from minor version x.5 to x.6. Like last month, we didn't feel this change was going to be significant enough to warrant sending a formal notification to the whole community. Apologies if you unexpectedly found TRP closed for a brief period of time on Saturday 10 July and again out thanks to Jonathan for executing the change for us.

This change has introduced one very minor annoyance we are aware of. If you have a "watch" set on a wiki page, the subject line now starts with a new line character. It's not noticeable on many e-mail clients, but is noticeable on the iOS version of the Gmail application for iPads and iPhones. For its inbox summary on these devices, the Gmail app shows the first line of the subject in each message and is now showing a blank line for watch notification emails from TRP. Its technically correct, just not very useful! This may be similarly affecting other email clients/apps we're not aware of.

Hints and Tips - Structures

Structures are not something we can let inexperienced user contribute to. Unfortunately they are a bit of a nightmare to work with until you get your head round them. But they do significantly enhance navigation within the site, something everybody can benefit from. We are grateful to our senior community members who make effort to maintain them and add appropriate new pages to them

You'll recognise a page is part of a structure because of the grey navigation bar you'll see at the top of the page. For example, this monthly news page is part of the collection of News Pages. Some pages feature in more than one structure, but the navigation bar can only shows the page in the context of one structure at a time. For pages in multiple structure, how you navigated to the page will determine what you see. If a page is in multiple structures, the "structure" icon at the top right of the page content lets you pick which structure you want to see the page presented within. The page content doesn't change, just the grey navigation bar changes.
Contributors to this page: MartinB. .
Page last modified on Tuesday 01 of September, 2020 03:40:56 CDT by MartinB..