1790 Census - Granville Co., NC

1790 Census - Granville Co., NC

1790 Census - Granville County, NC

Page Nbr Name
- - Frederick Reeves
- - Hardy Reeves
- - Samuel Reeves
- - William Reeves

Research Notes

The 1790 "census" for Granville County, North Carolina comes from tax information actually recorded in 1788. For this reason, it is possible for the same individual to be listed on this Granville census listing and in other locations where the data is from actual 1790 records as well.

The following is from The State Records of North Carolina, Volume 26, http://books.google.com

"The foregoing is an officially certified copy of the Census of all except three counties — Caswell, Granville and Orange — whose rolls at Washington had been lost either in the fires of 1800 or 1814 or in some of the many transfers of the Federal archives to new buildings. As a substitute a roll of the Taxpayers, listed in Granville in 1788 and in Caswell and Orange in 1790, has been taken from the tax lists herein and appears on the following pages."

Contributors to this page: Beverly and system .
Page last modified on Tuesday 05 of January, 2021 11:40:29 CST by Beverly.