1583 Will - John Rives


1583 Will - John Rives


Dated: 5 Jun 1583, Bransbury, Barton Stacey, Hampshire
Probated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 4 Nov 1583
Recorded: Piece 66 (Butts), folio 89 reverse


In nomine dei amen, In Anno domini millimo quingentesimo octagemo tertio: et Anno Regine Elizabethe Vicesimo quinto, et die mensis Junii quint: I John Rives of Bramsburye beinge sicke in bodye, but yet of good and perfecte remembrance, doe make this my laste will and testamente in manner and forme followinge: Firste I bequeathe my soule unto Allmightie god, in whose precious bloude I hope to receyve forgivenes of my synnes, And my bodye to be buried in the Churche Litten of Allhallowes in the Churcheyarde of Bartonsacye nexte my mother. Item I give unto the Cathedrall Churche of ye Trinitie of Winchester twoe shillings: Item I give unto my parrishe church of Bartonsacye xii d. Item I give unto my sonne Edmunde Rives for him and his heires male the Lease of ye ferme of the mannor of howse of Bramsburie of the Deane and Chapters Libertie for the terme of the yeares yett to comme withe all the cattell that are to be kepte uppon the ferme. Item I give unto my wife fourtie poundes to be paide unto her by my sonne Edmunde Rives and the accupacion of the farme for fyve yeares and afterwarde to be founde by my sonne Edmunde duringe her life. Item I gyve unto my sonne John Rives All my Lands in Churche okeley to him and his heires male and one hundred of sheepe of those that are in Wiltshere and if the saide John Rives channce to dye withoute heires male of his bodye, that then the lands shall retorne unto the nexte Brother. Item I gyve unto my nexte sonne Francces aswell the free houlde as the copyhoulde landes in Whitechurche withe the appurtenances thereunto, lyinge in whitechurche to hym and his heires male, and one hundred sheepe of those in Wiltshere, But yf the sayde John shall not suffer Frannces to enjoye the same quietlye, that then Franncis shall have the landes in Churchokeley, and John the Reversion in Whitechurche: Item I give unto Austyn my sonne the Lease of Wilkins houwse of the Deane and Chapters Libertye for ye terme of the yeares that are yett to comme and one hundred of sheepe of those in Wiltshere. Itm I gyve unto Dorothie my daughter tenne ewes, and fouretie poundes whiche I owe unto her of her legacye. Item I give unto Johan my daughter tenne ewes and fouretye poundes. Item I give unto Richard Pincke power bushells of good wheete after harvest: The residue of all my goods moveable and unmoveable not given nore bequeathed I leave in my sonne Edmundes handes to be bestowed equallye amonge my other children: And I doe make my sonne Edmunde Rives and John Ryves my whole executors of this my Laste will and testamente: I doe also make and appointe Mr Roberte Badger, Roberte Rives, John Yeringe and William Betham my ovrseers to see all thinges pformed and fullfilled accordinge to the true meaninge of this my Laste will and testament. Wittnesses hereunto John Helliere? Richarde Friez? withe others


England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 (Ancestry)