1595 Will - Thomas Reve
Dated: 14 Jun 1595, Monewden (but a student at Cambridge), Essex
Probated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 24 Oct 1595
Recorded: Piece 86 (Scott), folio 200 reverse
In the name of God Amen I
Thomas Reve beyng sicke in bodye but of perfect remembrance make this my last will and testament abrogating all other which before I have made. First I give my soule to god my Creator and my bodye to be buryed in the churche or chappell where that yt shall please god to call me. Provided that yf I dye within tenne myles of Monedon my desire ys to be buryed there by the Sepulcher of my father. And for my decent comely buryall, and for the poore and for my freindes to be merry withall at there meeting I give fyve poundes of lawfull englishe money. And yf so be that yt please god that I die in the colledge my desire ys to be buryed in the Chappell and yt the aforesayed fyve poundes be bestowed after my funerall uppon exceedinge for the fellowes schollers and the residue of the same some house with the poore. Item I give unto Gunvyll & Caius College in Cambridge a silver and guilt spoone with my Armes uppon that and name of twentie shillinges for a remembrance of me. Item I give unto ten of the poore schollers fifers there twelve pence every one, at the discrecon of my executors to choose which they tenne shalbe. Item I give unto my mother my greate goud rynge. Item I give more unto her three poundes of lawfull english money to be bestowed uppon a mourninge gowne in remembrance of me. Item I give unto George Reve my brother twentie shillinges of lawfull english money to be bestowed uppon a Rynge in remembrance of me. Item I give unto Robt Reve my brother fortie shillinges. And more I give unto hym my best gowne coate or cassocke dublett and hose. Item more I give unto hym my bookes viz: my Swinger vol: 5 of them: foxler com: muscul in mathe: Ciprian opera: Ireneus: Inobins? contra gentes. Item I give unto
Franncys Reve my brother fortie shillings of lawfull englishe money which I will to be bestowed uppon a morning cloake or a ringe in remembrance of me. Item I give unto
John Reve my brother all suche money as he dothe owe unto me either by bond or by bill or any other meanes. And more I give unto hym fortie shillinges of lawfull english money: And yet more I give unto hym a hatt coate dublett, hose neither stocke, twoe shirtes twoe shirt bands at the discrecon of my executors wch shalbe worthe thirtie shillings otherwise more I give unto hym thirtie
shillings at his free choice. Item I give unto Henry Reve my brother fyve poundes of lawfull english money. Item I give unto William Reve my brother the somme of tenne poundes of lawfull english money. Item I give unto
Charles Reve my youngest brother fortie poundes of lawfull english monye. Item more I give unto the sayed
Charles my englishe Bible and fortie shillings for a booke of Martyrs. Item more I give unto hym a Satten dublett, a pare of velvet hose, a new cloake. My meaninge ys that he shall have a new sewte of apparell or size poundes thirteen shillinges fower pence as? his owne them. But I had rather he should have a sewte of apparell that he mighte weare yt for my sake and not to have the sixe poundes thirtene shillinges fower pence. Item more I give unto hym for a remembrance of me fortie shillinges to be bestowed uppon a gould Rynge and I desire hym and my brother Henry to have a greate care of them selves to live religiously vertuously and wisely to gods glorie the comforte of theire friendes and theire owne benefitt. I have an exceeding greate care of them both but speciallie for
Charles beyng committed unto me uppon my fathers and mothers fidelitye and truste. Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Parker my brother in lawe and
Margaret my sister fortie shillinges betwene them, twentie shillings either of them for a remembrance of me. Item more I give unto
Margaret my sister all my brasse and pewter that I have in Cambridge and boughte of the widowe Carver. Item I give unto Mary Reve my sister fortie poundes of lawfull english money. Item more I give unto her one of my gownes to take her choise of those wch I shall have neyr? my brother
Robert at the daye of my deathe. Item I give more unto her a Bason and ewer? of pewter and sixe cushions all which I have at Monedon. Item I give unto Robert Reve the sonne of
Robert Reve my brother fyve poundes of lawfull english money. And my will ys that if it shall please god he come to Cambridge to be comitted into any colledge at his firste entrance I give hym twentie shillinges. And yf after his Admission he shall commence Batchelor of Artes fortie shillinges. Provided that yf the sayed Robert be not admitted unto any colledge that then this my gifte be utterlie voyde. And my will ys that the three poundes be given unto his sister.s. Item I give unto Franncys Reve the sonne of
John Reve my brother fyve poundes of lawfulll english money. Item I give unto Elizabeth Parker the daughter of Thoms Parker Apothecarye in Bury tenne poundes of lawfull english money. Item I desire my executors to give some remembrance of me unto those which have taken or shall take paynes aboute me in sickness by name Alice Baselye and mother Harper and William Barker the executors of this my will and testament I do ordayne and make my Mother and my brother
Charles whome I desire for gods cause to be carefull for the performance of this my will - knowing what a greivous thinge yt is to defraude the dead for the performance thereof I give unto them all my goodes whatsoever obligacons Billes debtes leases or whatsoever is myne or by right oughte to be myne in as full and ample manner as I can give the whole proptie right and interest in them unto my executors unto whome I give libertie for the payment of the legacys of money in forme and manner folowing viz: To the colledge and for my Buriall and for the poore my desire ys that suche thinges be presentlie discharged and that those to whome I have given mourning apparel or other apparell or rynges or such thinges in remembrance of me that my will for suche matters be performed as soone as possible can be at the farthest within one monthe. And further that suche thinges as I have bequeathed and have in my handes at the daye of my deathe as Brasse pewter lynnen woollen or suche thinges be presentlie delivered to them to whome I have given them. And whereas I have given unto Henry Reve my brother tenne poundes unto William Reve my brother twentie poundes unto Mary Reve my sister fortie poundes unto
Charles Reve my brother fortie poundes unto Robert Reve my nephew fyve poundes unto Elizabeth Parker my neece and goddaughter tenne poundes unto Franncys Reve my godsonnne and nephew fyve poundes. My will and meaning ys that to give my executors one yeres libertie for the true satisfying and paying theise legacyes without fraude then or further delaye. All other legacys besides these here ymmeadiately recyted my will is that they be satisffyed within one halfe yere at the furtheste in which tyme I truste my executors shall gather in so muche of my goodes as shall satisfie and paye the smaler legacys which I desire them to do forthfullie, and ever as they may to be paying by litle and litle according to my true intent I do ordayne and appoynte my brother
Robert Reve and Mr Stockdale the Supervisors of my will and desire them to counsayle and advise my executors for the best in gathering up my debtes either in the colledge where I live or elswhere And for theire paynes I give unto either of them twentie shillinges of lawfull english money. Item my will further ys that yf any of those to whome I have given any legacey do die before the tyme come that I have appoynted for the receipte of theire legacey that then theire legacey so dying be equallie devided betwene those that I shall nowe nominate viz betwene
Robert Reve John Reve Henry Reve William Reve
Charles Reve my brothers
Margaret Reve and Mary Reve my sisters. Provided that yf any of those dye which be unmarryed that theire porcons be equallie devided amonge those that shalbe unmarryed. Item I will that the overplus of my goodes yf any remayne besides theise which I have given deducting all the chardges and that should be deducted that they be devided betwixt Mary Reve my sister and
Charles Reve my brother. Item my desire further ys that Mr Stockdale be desired to preach for me at my funerall. And for his paynes over and besides my other gifts unto hym I give hym twentie shillinges and my Tremelins Bible And yf he be not willing I desire Mr Escie and he to have the twentie shillings and my Tremelins bible. Item my desire ys that over and besides any other legacey for my funerall there be a gravestone layed ver me with my name and armes and this inscription Omnis caro fenum. Good
Charles have a care of theise thinges and for this lastle I give fyve poundes. Besides all the rest
Charles I praye you give John Silke twoe shillinges sixe pence and Bristy and John Buller twelve pence a peece for remembrance. That is the will and testament of me
Thomas Reve made the fourteenth daye of June a thousand fyve hundred nynetie fyve p me Tho: Reve in the presence of us Thomas Bachrofte William Denny
Thomas Reve have added theise legaceys with my owne hand which at my will and deed I have uppon good consideration detracted from the legaceys before given unto Henry Reve and William Reve my brethren. Item I give twelve poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be bestowed thus viz: my will ys that there be for ever uppon that daye twelvemonethe wherein yt shall please god to call me and so yeerely for ever a meeting with a Sermon and the preacher to have tenne shillings and thother tenne shillings to be bestowed uppon a meeting of the neighboures and preacher with some little cheere so farre fourthe as the other tenne shillinges shall extend at the now mansion house of
Franncys Reve without fraude. I do ordayne George Reve and
Franncys Reve my breetheren fetches? in truste to see this carefullie done by them for ever. And therefore my will ys that some estate of land or sufficient assurinces from them be given unto my executors and Humfrye Roberson of Chaffeild yeoman for the true performance of my true intent and meaning which is to have that daye twelve monethe wherein yt shall please god to call me and so fourth for ever a sermon in the church of Monedon wherein the preacher shall after a thanks givinge for the faithfull depart &c mention
William Reve my father and Rose Reve my mother (yf she be them deceased) and
Thomas Reve thare sonne whome it hathe pleased god to move to bestowe a yerelie allowance of twentie shillinges for ever for the contynewance of this meetinge for ever. Provided that yf the sayed George Reve and
Franncys Reve my bretheren shall refuse or within one halfe yere after my deathe to put in sufficient securitie unto my executors and ye said Humpfrey Roberson of Chaffield that then and from thencefourthe yt remayne unto the towne of Monedon and they to performe my true intent and meaninge herein whereunto they shalbe bound unto my executors and the sayed humfrey Roberson. Provided that yf the towne of Monedon after my bretheren George and
Franncys shall refuse this my gifte uppon the condicons before recyted that then within one quarter the twelve poundes remayne fyve poundes a peece unto either of them unto my executors and the other fortie shillinges unto the sayed Humfrey Roberson in remembrance of me. Item I give unto Rose Reve my mother fortie shillinges of lawfull englishe money for her exceeding greate paynes with me in sicknes besides any other legacey before given. Item I give unto George Reve the sonne of
John Reve my brother the somme of twentie shillinges of lawfull englishe money. The marke of Rose Reve Mary Reve
Franncys Reve Brother
Robert because you deale well with me for the money I borowed for you wherein you have deceyved me greatly in somme I have no trust in you. my will therefore is that my executors deteyne in theire owne hands all such legaceys as I have given unto you or youre children untill you have fullie payed the sommes of money due unto me from you uppon twoe severall bonds without the forfeyture. Provided yt if you shall not before the feaste of the Annunciacion next following beying a thousand fyve hundred ninetie sixe satisfie my executors that then neither you nor youres shall have any Righte in any thinge I have but the whole righte to remayne to my executors I would be sory my will should not be pformed for youre bad dealing, ever griping, groning whyning, but never having any care to repaye agayne. You accompte all ? ? you can either borrowe or fett of me.
Thomas Reve Anything in my chanbers uppon and neither yf it be not nayled to the walles is myne and greene sey? hanginges you may take away. But the greate portall and skreene benche and wayn? kott? abowte the three cupboards yt the colledges yet so that I am to be allowed the third parte of that which they cost me at my first entrance whereof Doctor Legge hathe a note.
England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 (Ancestry)