1614 Will - John Rives


1614 Will - John Rives


Dated: 18 May 1614, Braughton, Hampshire
Probated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 8 Jul 1614
Recorded: Piece 124 (Lawe), folio 177 reverse


In the name of God Amen. The Eighteenth of May Anno Dni 1614. I John Rives of Braughton in the County of Southampton gent beinge sicke in bodie; but of perfect mynde and memorie thanks be God, doe make this my last will and Testament, in manner and forme followinge
First I commend my Soule into the handes of Almighty god my onely maker and Redeemer by whose merits, death and passion I doe assuredly trust to be saved, And my bodye to be buried in the Channcel of Braughton aforesayde.
Item I give unto Elizabeth Rives my eldest daughter, two hundred and forty pounds.
Item I give unto Annie Rives my second daughter, two hundred and forty poundes.
Item I doe give to John Rives my second sonne, the some of three hundred powndes.
Item I doe give unto James Rives my third sonne, the some of three hundred powndes.
Item I doe give unto my daughter Jane Rives the some of two hundred powndes.
Item I doe give unto William Rives my youngest sonne the some of two hundred powndes.
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Edmunde Rives my eldest sonne and to his heires forever, all my mannor of Drayton in the parrish of Barton Stacy wthin the County of South wth all the Rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonginge with this provise and lymitacon that all the Rents profitts commodities and advantages whatsoever wch shall or may encrease arise, growe, or issue from the sayde mannor and thappurtenances thereof from the day of my decease untill the sayde Edmunde Rives my eldest sonne, come to the full age of one and twenty yeares be wholly and onely bestowed and payd towards the satisfaccon of the former legacies severally bestowed given, and bequeathed to my children above named. And if it shall happen, that any of my sayde children, above named shall dye, and departe this lyfe before he, or shee doe come to the full age of twenty and one yeare, or other wise be bestowed in marriage then my will is that his or her or their portion by name lymitted and beqeuathed shalbe equally devided amonge such as shalbe then survivinge. And further my will is that if the sayd Edmunde Rives my eldest sonne, doe refuse to accept of my sayde mannor of Drayton soe lymited and refuse to satisfie and pay the sayd legacies above named, and bequeath unto my severall children; that then my second sonne John Rives and his heires shall have the saide mannor of Drayton wthall his Rights, members and appurtenances whatsoever. And that he the sayd Edmunde Rives shall not molest trouble or encumbre by suite of lawe or otherwise Jane Rives his mother, for or concerninge the thirds of the sayd mannor of Drayton aforesayde, duringe her naturall life.
Item I doe give unto Jane Rives my wedded wife; the lease of the mannor called Luckington in the parish of Kilmsdon in the County of Somerset and my lease of one tenement lyinge in the parish of Wedmour in the County of Somerset aforesayde. And whereas I owe and stand indebted in the some of two hundred powndes of my owne proper debts and doe stand bownde and obliged wth and for others for the some of two hundred powndes more my will is that the sayd debtes be satisfied and payde out of the lease of the sayde mannor of Luckington.
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Barbara Spencer the daughter of my brother William Spencer five pounds and to his sonnes William and Franncis five poundes a peice.
Item I doe give unto the children of John Stevens of Asmonesworth?; the husband of Dorothie Rives my sister, five powndes a peece, to be paide immediately after the feaste day of St Michaell Tharchangell which shalbe in the yeare of or Lorde god after the computacon of the churche of England One thousand sixe hundred & sixteene.
Item I doe give & bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Barton Stacye five poundes.
Item I doe give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Kildsdon? forty shillings.
Item I doe give unto George Boorde twenty shillings. My debts and legacies beinge whollie satisfied and payde all my goodes and chattells whatsoever, aswell moveable as unmoveable I give and bequeath unto Jane Rives, my beloved wife and Franncis Rives of Horsebridge in the County of Sout yeoman and William Spencer of Sulton Stutney? in the County aforesayed yeoman, my bretheren whom I doe constitute appoynt and make the joynt executors of this my will and testament to see my body Christianly buried and the contente of this my will in all pointe accordinge to my true meaninge & intent faithfullie performed fulfilled and kept. In witnesse whereof I have hereto putt my hand and seale the daie and yeare first above written.
Witnesses at the making of this will were Roger Collins Scrips? Thomas Edmunde


England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 (Ancestry)