1632 Will - Edmund Ryves
Dated: 8 Mar 1631/2, Drayton, Barton Stacey, HampshireProbated: Diocese of Winchester, 7 Nov 1632
In the name of god Amen I Edmund Ryves of Drayton in ye County of Southt gent being wck in body but of pfect memory thanks be unto Almighty god, doe make and ordeyne this my Last Wyll and Testamt in mannr and forme following And first of all I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty god hoping by the death and passion? of my savyor Christ Jesus to fynd mercy in the day of Redemption and my body I bequeath to the earth from whence yt came and touching my wordly estate I dispose of yt in this mannr having alredy sold my lands and fyrst I geve unto the poore of the prishe of Barton Stacy ? to the poore of the prishe of horhell? xx s, to the poore of Long prishe xxx s, to my sonne John Ryves I geve three hundred pownds, to Susan my daughter I geve an hundred pownds to my sonne Edmund one hundred pownds to my sonne Matthew one hundred pownds and to my Daughter Jane one hundred pounds the benefitt of all wch sevrall pownds and legacyes by me geven to my sayd children my desyre ys should be imployed towards their educa?n untyll they come to the age of xxitie yeeres and yf my sonne John dye before his age of xxitie yeres then my wyll ys that two hundred powndes of the porcon prevly gene him shall goe and be payd to my sonne Edmund to better his porcon and if any of the rest of my children shall happen to dye before there porcons shalbe due back them then my wyll ys that the porcon of all or every of them dyin shalbe ? and be devyded equally amongst such of my fiev children as shalbe lyvinge all the rest of my goods and chattells whatsoever I geve and bequeath to Marye my beloved wyef whome I make in full and whoole executrix and I hartely desyre my loving unkell Mr Augustyne Ryves my father in Lawe Mr John Nicholas, my brother in lawe Doctor Mathewe Nicholas and my brother in Lawe Mr George Thomas to be overseers of this my Last Wyll and Testamt desyring them to be not messe carefull to see this my Last Wyll pformed then I would have done for any of them. In wytness whereof I the said Edmund Ryves have hereunto putt my hand and seale the eighth day of Marche in the seaventh yeere of the Raiyne of our soveraigne Lord king Charles of England &c Annoq Dm 1631Edmund Ryves
This will was published by the said Edmund Ryves to be his last wyll and testament in the prsence of us Jo Nicholas Mat Nicholas George Thomas William Ryves Edward Parry