Ryves, John (1624 - fl 1674 ??)


Ryves, John


Father: Edmund Ryves
Mother: Mary Nicholas

Birth: 10 Sep 1624
Birth Source: Visitations of Hampshire

Death Source:

Spouse1: Amy Cole


Children of John Ryves:
  1. Edmund Ryves, b. 1674

The Visitations of Hampshire from 1686 state the following for John:
  • John Ryves borne decimo Septemb Anno Dni 1624 eldest sonne mard Amy dar of John Cole of ye City of London and as yet hath no issue but what died young

The above statement appears to indicate that John was not the father of Edmund who went to Oxford in 1689. That must have been a different branch of this family.

Research Notes


Childs, James Rives. Reliques of the Rives, p70
The Publications of the Harleian Society: New Series Volume 10 for the Year MCMXCI, p11 (Visitations of Hampshire)