1642 Will - Richard Reeve
Dated: 9 Aug 1642, Finchingfield, EssexProbated: Archdeaconry of Middlesex (Essex and Hertfordshire Jurisdiction), 25 Apr 1646
In the name of God Amen the nynth Day of August Anno Dm one thousand six hundred fourty and two. And in the eightenth yeare of the raigne of or soveraigne Lord Charles by the grave of God Kinge of England Scotland France & Ireland Defendr of the faith &c I Richard Reeve of Finchingfield in the Countye of Essex gent beinge sicke in body but of good and pfect Remembrance thanks be given to god doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner & forme followingefirst I give & bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie god my Creator hopeinge & trustinge by the merritts death and passion of Jesus Christ my saviour and Redeemer to receive pardon & forgivenesse of all my sinnes my body I commend to the earth from whence it came to be Decently buried by the discretion of my executors hereafter named. And as touchinge my worldly goods wherewithall god hath Blessed me I will give & Devise the same in manner & fourme followinge
Imprimis I give & bequeath unto the poore of the pishe of Finchingfield whence I have lived for many yeares past the somme of thirteene shillings and fower pence to be piad unto the overseere of the poore of the said pish of Finchingfield for the time beinge wthin six xmonthes next after my decease
Item I give & bequeath unto Dorothie my loveinge wife All my pewter & bra?? and all my linnen whatsoever and the two biggest chests standinge in the parlour
Item I give & bequeath unto the said Dorothie my wife the somme of twentye pounds to be paid unto her by my executors hereafter named wthin three monthes next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Dorothie my wife one joyned bedsted as the same is nowe standinge in the parlour wth a fether bed bou? two pillowes two blankets and one coverlet belonginge to the same for the tearme of her natural life and after her decease I will give & devise the same together with the curteynes & valeure? belonginge to the same unto Giles Reeve my second sonne. And if it happen the said Giles Reeve to be dead leavinge the said Dorothie then I will give & devise the same unto the said Dorothie & her executors & administrators for ever.
Item I give and bequeath unto Joseph Reeve my eldest sonne the somme of twenty pounds the same to be paid unto him by my executors hereafter named wthin three monthes next after my decease.
Item I give & bequeath unto Giles Reeve my second sone in regard of his care & paines in manneaging of my business from time to tyme the somme of twenty & six pounds thirteene shillings & fower pence and my best longe cart with the boxt wheeles the same to be also paid unto him wthin three monthes next after my decease.
Item I give and devise unto John Reeve my third sonne the somme of twenty pounds of current money to be paid unto him wthin three moneths next after my decease.
Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Reeve my youngest sonne the somme of ten pounds of current money the same to be paid unto him by my executors hereafter named wthin three monethes next after my decease. The rest and residue of all & singular my goods & chattels whatsoever my debts legacyes funerall charges probate of this my will & other charges incident thereunto beinge first paide and deducted I will give & devise the same unto my said fower sonnes Joseph Giles John and Thomas equally and indifferently betwixt them to be divided part and pt alike and I doe hereby nominate and appoint my said two eldest sonnes Joseph Reeve and Giles Reeve my full executors of this my last will and testament revokeing all former wills by me heretofore made and doe hereby declare this same to be my very last will and testament and I doe hereby constitute & appoynt my loveing neighbour William Mascall of Little Sampford to be supervisor of this my last will entrusting him that if any difference shall happen hereafter to arise betwixt my said wife & children that he ? a meanes to reconcile the same & to get them at peace & unitye In witness whereof I the said Richard Reeve have hereunto set my hand & seale the day and yeare first above written requiringe & chargeing my said fower sonnes out of the remaininge pt of my estate hereby willed to be parted amongst them to pay unto the said Dorothie my wife duringe her naturall life over & besides what I have hereby formerly willed unto her the somme of thirtye shillings a peece yearly for & towards her yearly maintenance duringe her natural life; Ad my will & meaninge further is that if it shall happen any of my said children to die before he or they shall receive their said portion or the same falle due unto them that then his or their portion soe dyeinge shalbe and remaine unto the other survivinge share & share alike witness my hand & seale the Day and yeare above written.
Richard Reve
Signed sealed Declared and published
to be the last will and testament of the
said Richard Reeve by the said Richard
Reeve the day and yeare first above
written in the presence of
Willyum Mascall
Will: Tym: