Southold Town Records Liber A
Included here are entries mentioning Reeve(s) contained in the Southold, New York Town Records Liber A as abstracted by Wickham Case in his book Southold Town Records Copied and Explanatory Notes.The introduction to his work contains the following statement:
This may certify that I have myself compared this printed volume, being essentially a copy of Liber A and of Liber B of the Town Records of Southold, or caused it to be compared, with the original manuscript Records in my office, and that the printed copy is the same as the original, errata excepted, and except also that abstracts have been made of some documents written in exceedingly verbose and technical language; but in all these cases the fact is indicated that abstracts only are printed. These abstracts, however, give all names, dates and boundaries mentioned in the original entries.
Town Clerk.
SOUTHOLD, March 14, 1882
Care should be taken in interpreting these records as there appear to have been multiple individuals by the names of Thomas and James in early Southold. An attempt has been made to identify some of these. However further revisions may be necessary and deference should be given to the extensive analysis done by Wesley Baker concerning these records in his Study of the Reeve Family. Additionally, many of these records given here with a particular date heading concerns a set of entries about land pertaining to an individual and the date given represents just the earliest transaction in that set. Therefore the particular record cited here may have been entered much later than the date given as the heading.
Transcript or Summary
[Page 2]
In Southold April 9th 1680...
And foureteene acres more of Woodland lying att the North sea betweene the Land of the Pastor east, and Thomas Reeve West lately exchanged of Thomas Mapes and to him given for the other above mentioned eighteene acres of Land lying on the North side of the land of the said Barnabas Wynes as abovesaid.
[Page 5]
Decembr 1652...
Six acres more of arrable land lying towards the Westend of Hogg neck, the lot of Mr Joseph Youngs lying on the West thereof, and the land of Thomas Reeve on the east side of the Same.
[Page 8]
January 1653...
ffourrteene acres of Land att North sea the land of Thomas Reeve lying east and Edward Ketchum West.
[Page 9]
February 1654...
Att North Sea one and Twenty acres more or lesse, the land of John Youngs Jun lying West and Henry Whitney east, ffowerteene acres whereof, was exchanged with Thomas Reeve.
[Page 10]
February 15th, 1654... [a statement referring to a deed with date 1661 is referred to in this section]
Att the North sea.
ffowerteene acres of Woodland more or lesse the land of John Elton lyinge on the east and of Thomas Reeve west.
Two acres of Land more or lesse in the Calves Neck, butting on the Creeke that runs towards the bridgeagainst Thomas Terrys, Thomas Reeve on the west;
Two hundred twenty foure acres of Woodland at Corchak more or lesse, the land of Widow Reeve on the east, and the land of Joseph Youngs Jun on the West—butting to the North Sea on the North, and to the highway on the South.
[Page 13]
Ffebruar 2nd 1656...
Twelve acres more of Woodland more or lesse lyinge towards the North Sea, the land of Thomas Reeve being on the North. side thereof . . . . .
Three acres of Land more or lesse lyinge betweene the Land of Thomas Reeve West and Thomas Moore east wch was formerly the land of Edward Stevenson.
[Page 15]
February 14th 1656.
Thomas Reeves, whom lott being ffower acres more or lesse, the lands of Thomas Terry South and Richard Terry North.
[Page 16]
February 14th 1656.
Richard Terryes, whom Lott conteyning ffower acres more or lesse :- the land of Thomas Reeve South and Thomas Scudder North.
Twenty acres of Land more or lesse in the fort Necke the land of Widowe Reeves on the Southeast and the hyway on the Northwest:
Martij 14to 1656...
[Page 17]
ffowerteen acres of Woodland (bee it more or lesse) lying att North Sea butting uppon the greate pond - the Land of Thomas Reeve east and the comons west.
Two acres more or lesse in the Calves Necke - the land of Widow Reeves on the east, and the Land of Samuell King on the west:
One acre of meadow more or less at Corchauge neere Robines Island necke - the meadow of Benjamin Horton on the Southwest, and the meadowe of Thomas Reeve on the North, the which meadowe he had of Benjamin Horton by exchange.
[Page 18]
Southold, December ye last, 1658...
All that neck of Land as it lyeth betweene his meadowe at Mattituck and John Tuthills meadow on the Southwest side adjoyninge to the canoe place viddct where they drawe on the canoes into Mattituck Pond: - buttinge in the Northwest on the Land of Joseph Youngs Junr Philemon Dickinson, Thomas Reeve and William Wells: a greate ffresh pond lying within the said lands of the said William Purrier, Thomas Reeve and Williams Wells.
[Page 23]
January 6to 1658...
ffower acres more of woodland more or lesse in Toms Creeke neck the land of Mrs. Herbert widd: northerly & Thomas Reeves Southerly.
[Page 24]
This Indenture made the 8th day of April 1673, between Thomas Tusten of Southold and Joseph Youngs son of Mr. John Yongs late Pastor of Southold, Witnesseth that the sd Thomas Tusten, in consideration of a percell of Land or Meadow, situated on fort Neck, bounded by a salt pond North and the meadow of Joshua Horton East, by estimation two acres hath sold unto the sd Joseph Yongs, two lots of Land in the old field - the one bounded by John Budd north, & Joseph Yongs Senr South one acre more or less :— the other bounded by Richard Terry north, and Thomas Reeve South, one acre more or less.
Witness our hands the day & year above written —
Entd here 16th of June '74, pr Benjamin Yongs recdr.
[Page 25]
Januarie sixth 1658...
One acre of earable land more or lesse in the old feild, the land of widdowe Cooper north and Thomas Reeve South.
the 12 of Auguste 1664...
Beniamine horton have exchanged 40 Ackers of land in the ould field on the Southwest of Barnabas Wynds and gooddy Coopers land on the Northeast:
Allso on acer more or less at Oysterpond neck of meadowe purchased of Widdow paine—the meadow of Thomas Reeve on the South, and the meadow of Thomas Terry on the North:
Three acres of meadow more or less at Oysterponnd Lower Neck—-the meadow of Thomas Reeve on the Northwest, and the harbor on the east——whichmeadow he had of Thomas Terry by vertu of exchange.
Entrd the II of January 74.
pr Benjamin Yo: Recordr.
[Page 34]
Januaire 29, 1659...
Barnabas Wynes iun ffive acres of Woodland more or lesse lying in the Calves Neck adioyninge to the lott formerly in the possession of John Schudder now in the possession of William Purrier—three acres whereof being his father Barnabas Wynes Senr, and the other two acres being his owne proportion of Land in the said neck, frontinge uppon the Creeke.
One acre more there, purchased of Samuell King lying on the Southeast of Richard Terry Lott and Thomas Reeves westward.
[Page 36]
March 15th 1659...
A sartaine parcell of meadow adjoyning to the Tobaccow ground he had by exchange with the widow Reeve — her father and her sonn Thomas consenting to it for a parcell of meadow lying att Toms Creeke.
[Page 55]
June th 30, 1665...
A first Lott of meadow at Occabauck on this side the River only: purche’d of Robert Smith——themeadow of the widowe Reeve east—-and the meadow that he the abovesaid John Youngs did purches of Joseph Horton on the West :—
Also, two second lotts in the divident of Land betwixt Goodwife Coopers lane, and the North sea divident, the one belonging to the house of benjamin Horton, and the other did belonge to the house of goodwife Reeve containeing twelve acres moore or less—each severall lott wich he had by vertue of exchainge of Benjamin Hortton, which exchainge was confearmed, & entered the twenty . . . of febarary Anno 1667.
[Page 56]
[Possibly April 4, 1683]
At a Town meeting voted, nemine contra-dicente that John Lyman have six acres of Land next to Joseph Reeves :—to containe twenty-four pole in breadth and a proportionable length——todwell on it Seven years, or else resigne all except halfe an acre on which the house stands.
[Page 63]
[Date unclear...concerns land of John Budd]
More. towe acres of meadow at tomes Creeke more or less which he had by exchaing of Thomas Reeve - the meadow of Joseph Youngs Sen‘ on the North, and the meadowe of Thomas Moore Senior on the South.
[Page 64]
Southold May ye 5th 1679. [unclear if this is entry date or appears in relation to a particular record above this. Immediately after this appears the date "Febuary the 3 Anno 1669]
Allso. Twenty acres of upland more or less purchased of Samuell Kinge and hinge and being in the fort necke at Corchauge - the land of widowe Reeves on the West and the Land of Joseph Youngs Junr on the east.
[Page 66]
[Possibly 1680]
Twenty acres in the ffort neck at Courchauge more or less purchased of Robert Smith — the Land of Margret Cooper, now in the possession of Joseph Youngs on the South and the land of Widow Reeves on the North.
[Page 70]
Willm Wells, lands &c, 1662...
An other parcell of meadow conteyninge six acres more or lesse lying in the head of the greate meadow at Curchaug. the meadow of Thomas Reeve South — Mrs Herbert North.
And lastly, three hundred thirty six acres of Woodland more or lesse lying in Curchauge the lands of Thomas Reeve lying on the West Side thereof — and John Curwin on the east side of the same—as the same was lately layed out, Staked and sepated by marked liveinge trees according to the Order of the said three men and in theire presence.
Be it known unto all men by these presents that I, James Reeves of Southold in ye east Rideing of Yorkshir on Long Island, have for a valuable consideration by me in hand received, conditioned bargained and sold and doe by these presents condition bargain and sell unto Thomas Mapes Jun. of the same plantation, three acres of meadow lying and being in the divident of Land, called Cauchaukes division within the precincts of Southold aforsaid, the wch three acres of meadow adjoyneth to my own meadow and lyeth nere to the head of the Creek into which the Connow canoe place runeth into—of which sd three acres of meadow I the aforesaid James Reeves doe quitt claime and allinate the same, from me my heires executors & administrators, and doe hereby fully and absolutely make over the same to the abovesaid Thomas Mapes, To have and to hold to him, his heires executors administrators and assigns for ever from him or them to Possess improve and dispose off at his or their will and pleasure, without any lett hindrence or mollestation by me or mine, or by any maner of Person or persons, by through from or under us or any of us.
In confirmation whereof I doe hereunto set my hand and Seale this sixth day of November in the four and thirty yeare of the reign of our Soveraign lord, Charles the Second, by the grace of God, of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King defender of the faith &c — And in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty two.
Signed Sealed ad delivered JAMES REEVE
in ye Presence of us
James Reeve appeared before me this 6th of November 1682 ad did acknowledge the above instrument to be
his act and deed.
Entd 6 Novembr.
Pr Benjamin Yo. rdr.
[Page 76]
Southold the 22d of May 1666.
We whose names are under written doe by these prests sell and makeover all our rights and shares of plume Island, and all our shares & rights of all the meadowe lyinge and being at the Wading Creek called by the Indians Pauquaconsuck, unto John Youngs his heires and assignes for ever To have and to hould the said Island and meadow with all their apperttnances, against us and our heires for ever for valuable consideration already received, the receit whereof we doe owne by these present wrighting.
Witness our hands.
JOHN YOUNGS Marriner MARY(her marke) REEVE
ROBERT SMITH (his mark)
THOS (his mark) MOORE Junr
[Page 79]
Southold, Septb. 26, 1681.
Instructions to ye Persons now sent to meet at Huntington ye twenty eight of this instant:
You are to follow ye Generall good intent of this present meeting: That is to say :—— To joyne wth the other Towns on this Island to present what may be benefitiall to us to the Court of Assize, without any just offence to ye law or government wee are under and especially you are to concent to nothing yt may hinderye publique address sent to his Majastie or Royall Highness, but in all things to further the same, and to return this Town an account of what things shall be considered of, and agreed to, or dissented from.
JAMES REEVE } Overseers.
Ent: 26 Sept, 1681. Pr Benj: Yo. rcdr.
[Page 83]
Phelemom Dickersonn.
One seacond Lott of meadow, being two acres more or less at Occaback — the meadow of Thomas Reeve on the east and the meadow of Thomas Mapes on the West.
[Page 105]
Southold ye 22d of May 1666.
We whose names are underwriten doe by these presents make over all our rights and sheares of Plum Island, and all our sheirs and rights of all the meadows lying and being at the Weading Creek called. by the Indeans Pauquaconsuk, unto John Youngs his heyres and assigns for ever; To have and to hold ye sd Island and meadows with all their appurtenances against us and our heyres for ever, for a valuable consideration already received the receipt whereof we doe owne by this present writing
Witness our hands,...
Mary (her mark) Reeve.......2
[Page 111]
Southold March 28, 1678.
We whose names are underwritten doe exchang wth Edward Petty Senr all our property in and to ye five acres of comon land lying and being on ye North side of ye whome land of ye sd Edward and on ye west bounded by ye land formerly in ye possession of Goodman Meacham & Robard Smyth —— and on ye east bounded by ye land of Peter Paine
We say exchang for eight acres of Land of ye sd Edwards lying and being on ye north side of ye highway that leads to ye head of Toms Kreek & towards ye sd Kreek.
James Reeves
James Reeves [Name appears to have been repeated by accident)
Thomas Reeves
John Reeves...
[[Page 115]
To all Christian people to whome this present writing shall come. Thomas Rider ye elder yeoman of the Towne of Southold in ye East Rideing of Yorkshir on Long Island sendeth greeting, in our Lord God everlasting. Know Ye, yt ye sd Thomas Rider as well for ye fatherly love and naturall affection which he hath and beareth unto Caleb Curtis & Elizabeth his wife, daughter to ye ss Thomas Ryder,.....And also ye sd Caleb Curtis his heirs executours, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be payd unto Annas Ryder alias Reeves, daughter of ye sd Thomas Ryder ye sum of sixteene pound within twelve months next after ye deth or decease of ye said Thomas Ryder, to be payd to ye sd Annis Reeves her heyrs or assigns in country pay at price Currant as it usually goeth betwixt one man and an other without fraud or Coven:
[Page 116]
At a Town meeting ye 4th of April 1678 at Southold voted, ye Joseph Reeves hath given him one acre of Land at ye South end of ye Towne, nere Daniel Terrys, most convenient for his trade, and not otherwise — but if deserted by him yn the Town to have it againe.
Recorded 1678, per Benj: Yo. rdr.
[Page 118]
Southold ye 14th of ye 12th month 1677/8.
Hereby all concerned may know yt we the underwritten doe freely give unto Samuel Glover, his heirs or assignes for ever all our right in yt small spot of comon Land lying between his house and the Kreek—— ye land of John Yongs marrr on ye east, and Mr Arnold on ye West—-provided yt ye sd Samuel his heirs or assigns leave a sufficient carttway between his house and sd land:
John Reeves
Tho (T) Reeves
[Page 120]
These p’sents Witness that John Balyes of Southold in the jurisdiccon of Newhaven, Taylor, for and in consideracon of a valuable some to him in hand payed by John Tuthill of Southold aforesaid...a parcell of Land neare to the whomLott sold to Thomas Reeve...
In Witnes whereof the said John Bayles hath hereunto subscribed his name, 7th September 1661...
[Page 122]
This Indenture made ye six day of Aprill in ye twenty and nith yeare of ye reigne of our soveraign Lord Charles ye second...Between Mr Joshua Hobart of Southold...and Christopher Yongs......on ye east by ye land of James Reeves...
[Page 130]
February 20th 1670.
Joshua Horton
Three acres of meadowe more or less in the fort meadow — the meadow of Jeremiah Vaille east, and the land of Richard Terry and Thomas Reeve on the West - which meadowe was purchased of Joseph Horton by his father Barnabas Hortton and given by the said Barnabas Hortton to his son Joshua Horton, as will appeare in a bill of salle bearing date ye 10th of July 1665...
This indenture made ye sixtenth day of November in ye twenty ninth yeare of ye reigne of our Soveraigne lord Charles ye Second...on ye southwest by a meadow belonging to James Reeve...
[Page 145]
This Indenture made the eight day of April in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred seventy and three between Joseph Yongs son of Mr. John Yongs later pastor of Southold...and Thomas Tusten...and one other lot ion the same field bounded bby Richard Terry North and Thomas Reeves South...
[Page 147]
1679. November 12.
An exchang of Two acres and a half of Meadow with Mr. Budd:...west by ye meadow of Thomas Reeves and by Mr Budd on ye east.
[Page 149]
At a Towne meeting held the twenty third December 1677 was voted that two acres of Land is given freely and fully to Joseph Reeves his heyres for ever: ye sd two acres of land is lying and being at ye West end of ye Towne, upon cowpond bill so called.
Southold September 2d 1680.
Upon ye request of Joseph Reeves to ye Towne for ye exchange of tenn acres of Land lying by ye great Swamp, nere Peakens Neck, for eight acres of Land at ye West end of ye Town where ye sd Joseph hath his shop :— it is granted unto ye sd Joseph by ye inhabitants.