1671 Will - Anne Haysome
Dated: 10 May 1671, Dorchester, DorsetProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 13 Sep 1672
Recorded: Piece 340 (Eure), folio 27
In the name of God Amen I Anne Haysome of Dorchester being weake of Body but of perfect memory doe make this my last - and testament in manner following First I comend my soule into the hands of my Creator that gave it me hopeing that through his mercy he will pardon my sinnes and receive it into favour my body I bequeath to the earth to be privately buried at fordington by my loveing husband John Haysome Next for the better disposing of what God hath blessed me withall amongst my five children make my brothers George Rives Thomas Rives Richard Rives and Robert Haysome and my cosens Robert Haysome and Benjamin Sparing executors of this my Last Will and Testament in trust neverthelesse for my five children as I shall hereafter direct and to them I doe bequeath all my money Plate Jewells mortgages debts bonds goods household stuff stocke in trust in the Brewhouse and all other my goods and chattles whatsoever desiring my said executors as soone as may be to sell and dispose of all my goods stocke interest in shipping stocke in Brewhouse and all other things and to put it into money And to devide the said whole money into five equall shares amongst my said five children onely my will is that my executors ? to them out of my daughter Elizabeth fifth share one hundred and fifty pounds because she has the greater liveing at Fordington in her possession mediately on my death and will thereby be in for much better condition then the rest. And my will is that out of that one hundred and fifty pounds my said executors doe lay out soe much money as will buy in my sonne Thomas his lie And my daughter Anne her life in the foresaid liveing my sonnes life to be first And that the remainder of the afiresaid sume of 150 be equally devided between my said sonnes Thomas and my said daughter Anne as an addition of their portions. And whereas my husband John Haysome did give by his will one hundred pounds a peece to fower of my said five children my will is that they release that to my executors before they have any of their porcons given by this will paid unto them I haveing & hope very well improved it to their great advantage.Item I bequeath the education of my said five children unto my said executors charging? them to see them vertuously brought upp and comanding my said children to be ruled in all things especially in disposeing of themselves in marriage my will being that the portions hereby given are not to be paid to them untill their age of one and twenty yeares or dayes of marriage and that if either of my said children shall marry without the consent of my said executors or the survivors of them that then my said executors shall not pay unto such child or children their aforesaid portion But shall shall pay unto such child or children onely the interest of their aforesaid portion And shall settle the portion on such child or children as they for marrying shall have behind them my will and desire is that my executors dispose of all the said money for the best advancing of my said children and reimburse themselves all necessary charges and if any losse happen by letting out of the said money that the losse be equally borne betweene my said five children and if either of my said children dye before they attaine the age of one and twenty yeares or be married that then his or her share be equally devided betweene the survivors of my said children.
Item my will is that my said executors looke after the said liveings at Fordington for the good of my children as was intended and is directed by my husband in his last will and my desire is to my said exeutors to meete as soone as with conveniency they can after my decease or att least as many as can and to put things in order for the good of my children and that they agree to meete once in every yeare to settle the accounts and consult what may be for the good of my children and that the charge and expence be said on the estate and equally borne by my said children it being reasonable they should be att my charge where they Reape no proffitt. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the teenth day of May one thousand six hundred seventy and one
Ann Haysome
In presence of Ben Sparing Benjamin Could