1692 Will - Charles Ryves
Dated: 5 Oct 1692, LondonProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 11 Nov 1692
Recorded: Piece 412 (Fane), folio 132 reverse
In the Name of God Amen I Charles Ryves Cittizen and Grocer of London being weake in body but of sound mind and memory praysed be God doe make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to sayImprimis I commend my immortall soule to Almighty God my most mercifull father in and through Jesus Christ my onely Lord and Saviour assuredly believing that by and through his alone precious death and merritts all my sines are pardoned and my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried and rest in hope of a joyfull resurrection at the last day
Item as for my part share and purpart of my late brother Robert Ryve his late estate and all other my goods chattles and worldly estate I give beqeuath and dispose of the same as followeth (viz) I give and bequeath to my deare and loving wife Mary Ryves her executors & assigns all that my part share and pursparty? of in and to the late personall estate of my said late brother Robert deceased and all my right title and interest in or to the same or any part thereof in the hands of my brother Richard Ryves or otherwise.
Item for all other my husehold goods plate rings goods debts monies and estate whatsoever my will is that after my debts paid and funerall charges atisfied the same be (accordign to the landable custome of the Citty of London) divided into three equall parts whereof two third parts I give to my said loving wife Mary (vizt her owne third part and my third part and the other third part thereof I give towards the maintenance and bringing up of my daughter Elizabeth at the discretion of my executrix untill the said Elizabeth shall attaine her age of one and twenty yeares she and my other two daughters who are neere at age being provided for by my eldest brother George Ryve Esqr decd and I doe hereby make ordaine and appoint my said loving wife Mary Ryves sole executrix of this my last will & testament desiring her to give mourning to her two brothers John and Thomas Hudson and to my brothers Henry and Richard Ryves and a mourning ring to my cozen Thomas Haysham and to my brother Richards three sonns each of them a ring and to my sister Mary Ryves and to Mr Henry Ryves his wife Martha each of them a ring and to my two cozins Anne and Elizabeth Haysham each of them a ring. In witness whereof I the said Charles Ryves have hereunto sett my hand and seale this fifth day of October Anno Dom one thousand six hundred ninetie two and in the fourth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady William and Mary King and Queene of England &c
Charles Ryves
Signed Sealed and published by the testator Charles Ryves for his last will and testament in the presence of us and this our attestation made in his presence by us
Thomas How his marke
Jane How
Elizabeth Foster
Tho Heath