1713 Will - Andrew Reeve
Dated: 28 Sep 1713, Langford, EssexProbated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 23 Jan 1713/4
In the Name of God Amen I Andrew Reeve of Langford in ye County of Essex Gentl being of Sound & disposing mind & memory do make this my last Will & Testament in manner following And first & principally I comend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hopeing through the meritts & intercession of my lord & saviour Jesus Christ to obtaine the remission of all my sins & to inheritt everlasting life And as for theal worldly estate it hath pleased God to blesse me with all I give & dispose the rest of as followethImprimis I give devise & bequeath unto my son Abraham Reeve & his heires all that my messuage tenement or farm comonly called or knowne by the name of Palmers or otherwise with all & singular the appurtenances thereto belonging situate lying & being in Marks Tey Little Tey & Aldham in the said County of Essex & now or late in the tenure or occupacon of Daniel Burdord his assignee undertents or assignes
Item I give devise & bequeath unto my said son Abraham Reeve one halfe of my sacks? to be delivered unto him with as much expedicon as may be after my decease
Item I give devise & bequeath unto my son John Reeve & his heirs all yt my my capitall messuage tenement or farme situate lying & being in Tolleshunt Beckingham in the said County of Essex or in some other parish or place thereto neare adjoyning withall & singular the appurtenances thereto belonging & now in the tenure or occupacon of John Coslins assignee undertents or assignees
Item I give devise & bequeath unto my said son John Reeve & his heires all that my peice or parcell of ground with the granary thereupon erected & built situate lying & being in Langford aforesaid
Item I give devise & bequeath unto my said son John Reeve my great pairs of collen stones with the spindle & quy? thereto belonging now being at Langford mill and also all singular the goods cattle & chattells menconed in an inventory or appraisement thereof lately had & taken & by me left in the hands of Mr Thomas Nixon to be delivered to him imediately after my decease (except half the sacks therein menconed which I ahve herein before given to my son Abraham Reeve)
Item I give devise & bequeath unto my said son John Reeve the lease of my house & mill with the appurtenances in Langford aforesaid to hold to him his exerts & Adtors during the remainder of my termyes to ? of my same? provided always neverthelesse & my mind & will is that my said son John Reeve shall & doe well & truely pay or cause to be paid uto my son Samuel Reeve his executors Admors or assigns the full & just sume of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britaine within twelve calendary months next after my decease (which said sume of one hundred pounds I doe hereby accordingly devuse unto my said son Samuel Reeve) and my mind & will is that in default of such payment it shall & may be lawfull to & for my said son Samuel Reeve his exectrs Administrators or assignes to enter into & upon the said capitall messuage or tenement (premisses hereinbefore bequeathed unto my said son John Reeve & his heires & to receive & take the rents & profitts thereof to his & their owne use & benefitt untill by the recepcon of the profitts thereof or otherwise he or they shall be fully satisfyed & paid the said sume of one hundred pounds with lawfull interest for ye same from the time ye same ought to be paid as aforesaid together with all charges in or about ye recovery thereof
Item I give devise & bequeath unto my said son Samuel Reeve & his heires all singular my freehold & copyhold lands tenements & hereditaments whatsoever which I lately purchased of Mr Gabriel Shaw & which copyhold lands I ahve surrendered to the use of my last Will & Testament
Item I give devise & bequeath unto my daughter Anne Sayer the sume of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britaine to be paid within twelve Kalendary months next after my decease
Item I give devise & bequeath unto Joseph ?illis of Maldon in ye said County of Essex & to Mr Ward of Terlin in ye said County the sume of five pounds apeice of like money to be paid within twelve kalendary monthes next after my decease
All the rest residue & remainder of my goods chattells & personall estate whatsoever not herein otherwise disposed of (my debts funerall expences being first satisfyed & paid) I give devise & bequeath unto my said sons Abraham Reeve John Reeve & Samuel Reeve to be equally devided betwixt & amongst them and whereas my son Abraham Reeve hath declined being one of the executors of this my last Will & Testament I doe therefore constitute & appoint my son in law Robert Sayer & my loveing friend Mr Thomas Nixon joynt executors of this my last Will & Testament in witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale this eight & twentyeth day of September Anno Dm 1713 Annoqs diodecmio? Anne regine
Andrew Reeve
Signed & Sealed published & declared by the said Testator
as & for his last Will & Testamt...in the presence of us who subscribed our
names as witnesses thereto in ye prsence of ye said testator
Jno Straight
James King
Ra Bucknell